Hackers Reaction

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  1. Swordfish
    1 day

    comedy Down Periscope from 1996

  2. xav98
    1 day

    @5:30 gotta love European triphop 

  3. Curtis
    2 days

    Haven't seen this but heard good things, excited to watch with you guys.

  4. Dasan
    3 days

    This gives me such digimon movie vibes and I can’t explain why you guys should watch it 😂

  5. TheDarkOrganism
    4 days

    You guys should watch WarGames next.

  6. David
    4 days

    One of those great 90s movies that's just fun, goofy-ish, and very emblematic of that time period re: fashion, slang, etc.

  7. SauceyRed
    4 days

    I'm not going completely crazy thinking main character dude looks kinda like MatPat, right?? LIke the way he stares and his like, facial structure/chin?

  8. Colonel
    4 days

    You guys really like to bully our girl here damn, relax xD

  9. Residentfan 1
    4 days

    I’d never seen this movie but man that was great

  10. MMifzz
    4 days

    Such a fun movie. 

  11. Bomb-Boy
    4 days

    Hacker voice: I’m in

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