Spirited Away Reaction

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  1. hammi
    15 days

    Baths when you're an adult are for relaxing, not cleaning. You soak in a bath with a book or a show/movie for like an hour, then you drain the tub and shower the bath off of you. Sure its a waste of water, but thats why you only do it like once a month or bi-monthly

  2. Elizabeth
    1 month

    howels moving castle and kiki's delivery service in addition to this one are my favorites

  3. jefferyj430
    2 months

    castle in the sky is my fave and spirited away

  4. Sacha505
    2 months

    Kiki's delivery service and Totoro are so good!

  5. Juju’sWrld
    3 months

    billie eilish's song for her new album is called chihiro

  6. RoxyLLarts
    3 months

    Please watch Nausicaa of the valley of the wind It's so good 

    Also porco rosso, castle in the sky, and ponyo

    1 replies
    1. RoxyLLarts
      3 months

      Also please watch fairy tail 

  7. leezarus
    3 months

    Please watch Castle in the Sky and then Howl's Moving Castle. Wonderful memories for anyone whose seen them.

    1 replies
    1. Stormy
      3 months

      Pretty sure Castle in the Sky was my first Ghibli film, it'll always be one of my favorites

      1 replies
      1. leezarus
        3 months

        Castle in the Sky is my favorite Ghibli film. It wasn;'t my first - Spirited Away and Howl's was on Cartoon Network for an "anime/Ghibli week" during the early aughts.But I found out about Laputa in later years - I prefer it over the others.

  8. m0lika1
    3 months

    Would love to see you guys react to Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle and Grave of the Fireflies (this one is depressing jsyk)

    1 replies
    1. Of Butterflies and Books
      3 months

      And Castle in the Sky and Kiki's Delivery Service.

  9. Ashleigh
    3 months

    Lmao this movie actually terrified me as a kid, but it's one of my all-time favorites now. I DEF think you guys should check out the rest of the Ghibli series if you enjoyed this, particularly Howl's Moving Castle and Castle in the Sky!

    1 replies
    1. leezarus
      3 months

      Castle in the Sky and Howl are two of my top tier Ghibli films. I'm glad you mentioned Castle in the Sky - no other comment I've seen did. 

  10. Blitz
    3 months

    I know that Miyazaki and John Lasseter from Pixar knew and influenced each other in making movies. But it's cool that John Lasseter from Pixar is credited here and helped with Spirited Away as Executive Director, seeing in credits. Looks like he helped convince Disney to release this film in USA too ( when looking online). Been a while since I saw this film, but it for sure a classic. 

    Lots of other great Ghibli films as well.

  11. 25redshark
    4 months

    Princess Mononoke, Castle in the sky, nausica

  12. 25redshark
    4 months

    Would love to see both Naruto and more Ghibli films

  13. PKKite
    4 months

    Should do Princess Mononoke 

  14. Wonderxfull
    4 months

    Howl's Moving Castle is second to Spirited Away for me.

  15. masterlowkii
    4 months

    i love how Ruff says oui but his hand is being italian

  16. Shadow
    4 months

    Absolute favorite Studio Ghibli film has to be Spirited Away. Love this so much. For some reason, the train scene always makes me feel emotional.

    Howl's Moving Castle is a close second.

  17. HappyHank
    4 months

    Favorite Ghibli movie is hands down Kiki's Delivery Service

  18. Jose
    4 months

    how tf am i just realizing those voices are lilo, max goofy and jumba

  19. pcdeltalink036
    4 months

    I would love to see you all react to Howl's Moving Castle in English as well.  This was wonderful to watch.  Thank you.

  20. Fish
    4 months

    It isn't a Studio Ghibli movie, but a good one to check out is Wolf Children

  21. Metalpapermario
    4 months

    Kiki's Delivery Service

  22. AXELEA
    4 months

    please react to naruto!!!!!!!!!

  23. GrandStorm
    4 months

    Princess mononoke and howls moving castle are both supremely excellent.

  24. CapnC
    4 months

     Princess Mononoke is my favorite, go for it

  25. Kee
    4 months

    Please watch Kiki's Delivery Service and The Secret World of Arriety! Those are my other favorite Studio Ghibli films other than Spirited Away. 

  26. Cris
    4 months

    How's Moving Castle and Kiki's Delivery Service.  The US dub added some more dialog for the cat, and changed some of the soundtrack. However, due to lisencing issues it was cut, so now you can only find that version in the 1998 released DVDs and VHS. These days you can only view the original 1989, still great but I grew up with the 98' version. I still have my VHS tape and managed to get ahold of the DVD. It's one of my most treasured movies and my intro to all Studio Ghibli films.

    1 replies
    1. Carlos
      1 month

      Just realized Haku VA is Max Goof VAJason Marsden 

  27. JC
    4 months

    Boom tubmaxxing and being bathpilled is somehow endearing, also wearing my fave pokemon makes him very kawaii

  28. Barbara
    4 months

    Also, Sean's mentioned Greek Mythology a couple times, you guys should totally get into Epic the Musical- I think You'd really enjoy it

  29. Barbara
    4 months

    If you guys are still doing Dreamworks Movies, I'd highly recommend Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron, great movie

  30. Cloud
    4 months

    My personal favorites are between Castle in the Sky, Princess Mononoke, and The Cat Returns. Though, I think it's better to watch Whisper of the Heart before The Cat Returns, as they are technically connected. Regardless of which one you watch, though, the animation of them are beautiful.

  31. Em
    4 months

    I feel like it’s not a lot of people’s favorite but my favorite Ghibli movie is Castle in the Sky!

    2 replies
    1. Cloud
      4 months

      I love that one a lot as well, as it gives me such Final Fantasy-vibes while being it's own thing. I think the closest I can compare it to, is the OVA Final Fantasy V animation series. Though, Castle in the Sky is soooo much better. XD

    2. Kizuato
      4 months

      OMG that's one of my all time favorites too!! I rewatch it all the time. 

  32. Jakeb
    4 months

    PLEASE for the love of all things that are holy, watch Naruto!

  33. idziman
    4 months

    Spirited Away is my favorite Ghibli movie but, but Princess Mononoke is also up there

  34. jeremiah
    4 months

    I feel like if anything we should try and get bree to watch studio ghibli films there S tier 

  35. Maddkandi
    4 months

    Spirited away was always my favorite movie as a kid, but as an adult, Howls moving castle is a masterpiece with its visuals and unique story, always a classic. 

  36. mayasha_chan
    4 months

    Adore this movie so much! While not a Ghibli movie, please watch Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms - it is beautiful fantasy with an incredible story. If you want another Ghibli film though, please watch The Cat Returns! The Dub cast contains quite a few stars and the story is just a fun experience, it has always been one of my favourite Ghibli films

  37. Sean
    4 months

    I think Haku is Goofy’s son, Max. The Studio Ghibli English dubs are all Disney, so they can get big voice actors to do their stuff. The Cat Returns has Tim Curry, Secret World of Arietty has Carol Burnett

    1 replies
    1. KingOfRedLions89
      4 months

      Haku was also the voice of Binx in Hocus Pocus

  38. andy
    4 months

    by the way, not sure if anyone’s said yet, but the dub voice of Lin is the same voice as Rose Quartz from SU ( and Meg from Hercules ! ) :P

  39. Tyler
    4 months

    ohh please watch more

  40. dantesface
    4 months

    Holy Shit, I forgot how Great this Movie is. Haven't watched it in 10 or 15 Years and missed a few things back then. I really Hope you watch Princess Mononoke Next ^_^

  41. Jolly’s
    4 months

    For visuals!!! Please watch Howls moving Castle 

  42. Jolly’s
    4 months

    Ponyo and Spirited away are truly my favorites but y’all wanna cry your heart out and be traumatized watch Grave of Fireflies.

  43. Bomb-Boy
    4 months

    This is probably hands down the best ghibli movie in my opinion I love it so much

  44. Slasher2
    4 months

    Hope they watch more Ghibli films, cept for maybe Grave of the Fireflies. Knowing how emotional you 3 get

  45. Halcyon Days
    4 months

    My favs from Studio Ghibli are Ponyo and Kiki's Delivery Service. I've seen Grave of the Fireflies ONCE and am not in a hurry to see it again lol I meant that in a positive light tho. Non-Ghibli but one of my favs is Wolf Children! Would love to a movie reaction to these.

  46. Dearly
    4 months

    This movie and The Cat Returns are my favorite studio ghibli films. 

  47. M
    4 months

    Just because I haven't seen anyone recommend it, I actually really love From Up on Poppy Hill. I think it's an underated ghibli film people don't often mention. Otherwise Howl's Moving Castle, Ponyo, The cat returns, and Secret world of arriety are good too.

  48. bertzieblu
    4 months

    Spirited Away is my favorite Ghibli film, it's just so beautiful and mesmerising - a big part of my childhood, honestly! Highly recommend you guys check out other Ghibli movies as well, like Grave of the Fireflies!

  49. Shalah
    4 months

    My vote is for Mononoke next, but all the Miyazaki and Ghibli films are amazing.

    If you want some trauma, watch Grave of the Fireflies

    1 replies
    1. Shalah
      4 months

      (Personally thought my favorite Ghibli film is Goro Miyazaki's film From Up On Poppy Hill)

  50. JM
    4 months

    A vote for Princess Mononoke from me. Definitely my favorite, though Spirited Away is my second.

    The filthy water spirit was apparently inspired by Miyazaki seeing a heavily polluted river with a bicycle in it as a kid.

  51. hewmanity
    4 months

    Ghibli movies are always a vibe.  Good stories, great characters, and beautiful animation.  Howl's Moving Castle and Castle in the Sky are tied as my favourite, but this one, Kiki's Delivery Service, and Totoro are amazing too.

  52. Rosario
    4 months

    You guys would LOVE "kiki's delivery service" or "Howl's moving castle" 

  53. Lowe
    4 months

    wait i didnt even think of that. im left handed too but i use my mouse with my right hand.

  54. David
    4 months

    My favorite Miyazaki film is Howl's Moving Castle. A bit controversial with how sad it is, but my favorite Ghibli movie of all of them is Grave of the Fireflies.

  55. considerablecolors
    4 months

    howl's moving castle, kiki's delivery service, and the secret world of arriety!

  56. Colonel
    4 months

    1:45:54 It is such a strange feeling to see that house and tree. I swear I used to dream of this place (and very similar places) as kid. Not so much anymore...

  57. andy
    4 months

    i totally rec secret world of arrietty, princess mononoke, howl’s moving castle, and grave of the fireflies !!

  58. 25redshark
    4 months

    Castle in the Sky is part of the inspiration for One Piece! Check it out!

  59. Hailey
    4 months

    I absolutely love Studio Ghibli movies! They’re so visually beautiful and the storytelling is very well done. Some other Studio Ghibli movies I personally love are Ponyo, Nausicaa, Kiki’s Delivery Service, and Howl’s Moving Castle. Obviously you can do any of them because they are just that stunning.

  60. FaalofMan20
    4 months

    Actually Tara Strong was Dil Pickles, Tommy's baby brother. That's funny tho because E.G. Daily is the voice of Tommy who is also the voice of Buttercup from the Powerpuff Girls and Tara also plays Bubbles in that show too.

  61. slavicandsapphic
    4 months

    The way id throw hands with my parents if they were like “hurry up, you shouldnt run off” affer i saved them from being literal pigs. wack

  62. cherrysue
    4 months

    Boom you're very kawaii <3 Also I would recommand Princess Kaguya - is relatively less known, but a very beautiful movie

  63. Nathan
    4 months

    Princess Mononoke is definitely my favorite out of the ghibli movies, please watch that one next!

  64. smugtini
    4 months

    highly recommend the tale of the princess kaguya. It's supposed to be super beautiful

  65. Stash
    4 months

    My favorite Miyazaki movie is Spirited Away lol I hope y'all watch Porco Rosso, Kiki's Delivery Service, H?owl's Moving Castle, Castle in the Sky, and Nausicaa. I'm sure there's more I'd like for you guys to see, but I can't remember them atm-- I'd especially like for you guys to react to Porco Rosso. I feel like it really gets put on the back burner when it comes to praising Ghibli movies.

  66. roy7
    4 months

     Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle, Nausicaa are my suggestions. I also really love Kiki's Delivery Service and My Neighbor Totoro but those are are maybe too tame for you guys. :) 

  67. kitrembo
    4 months

    Hope they get to Princess Mononoke soon!!

  68. monika_lockpick
    4 months

    My favorite is probably either Spirited Away or Howl’s moving castel. Although Nausicaä has a very special place in my head, probably also it’s one of the less known ones

  69. Vasileios
    4 months

    grave of the fireflies next plz also gibli movie

  70. Jazz
    4 months

    If you do a reaction to “grave of the fireflies” make sure to have a box of tissues handy lol. I’m curious how you would react to that one 🤔😈🤣

  71. Nadezhda
    4 months

    So glad you've watched this, it's one of my favorite movies of all time! Please watch more Studio Ghibli, of course, starting with Howl's Moving Castle and Ponyo is amazing too

  72. just_jojo
    4 months

    boom is very kawai 

  73. lady-lamb21
    4 months

    so glad you guys watched this!! i hope you watch more studio ghibli!! howl's moving castle, my neighbor totoro, princess mononoke, etc. :D

  74. maskedmagician
    4 months

    Wonder how much Ruff remembers lol

  75. Janne
    4 months

    Good Miyazaki movies I'd recommend: -Porco Rosso 

    -Howls moving castle

    -Wind rises

    -Boy and the heron

    2 replies
    1. M
      4 months

      Have you seen from up on poppy hill? I think if you like some of their more "grounded" movies you might enjoy that. It's one of my favorite comfort films but no one ever talks about it.

      1 replies
      1. Janne
        4 months

        I in fact have not seen it, is it on Netflix or any streaming service?

    2. lady-lamb21
      4 months

      Wind Rises is SO good and no one ever talks about it!

  76. Kizuato
    4 months

    OMG!!!! I'm so glad you guys are watching this movie! I hope you watch the rest of the Ghibli movies. I would love to see your reactions💖💖

  77. rin
    4 months

    Her with the stairs was me at rapids water park 😭there was one slide so high with nothing between the stairs I full on panicked crying and held onto the bars while my aunt yanked me off laughing lmao and there was kids walking by not my finest hour💀

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