Rick and Morty S6 Episode 7-8 Reaction

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  1. MegumiMary
    4 months

    Told ya: Jerry Redemption Season!

    So far only two episodes where we didn't Have Jerry gettin some type of W and that's because he wasn't in one and only showed up briefly in the other

  2. ghosti7876
    4 months

    Plz watch RED (2010)

  3. ardeline
    4 months

    The Jerry's rare W episode.

  4. JRax
    4 months

    Season six is not my favorite season seven is awesome though

    1 replies
    1. EverlastingGrace
      4 months

      it sucks

      2 replies
      1. samusky00
        3 months

        you suck. 

      2. Tyler
        4 months

        It's great 

  5. Kristjaan
    4 months

    I needed information for the explain who Joseph Campbell is meant to be in the show

    He worked on the comparative mythology and comparative religion. Campbell, one of America's most renowned writers who died at age 83 in 1987, often pushed the envelope of the concept behind the Hero's Journey

    Fun fact 

    it inspired george lucas

    With starwars 

    It's Based on the 

    Hero's Journey

    And one creators of Rick and morty 

    his own thing named story scircle 

     inspired by the Hero's Journey

    That was inspiration for train episode 

    Joseph Campbell reference is meta joke for writers and literature fans

  6. Darc
    4 months

    This is the only time Jerry does anything worthwhile in his life.

  7. Kristjaan
    4 months

    Rick and morty is based on Back to the Future not direct it begon as a short film named The Real Animated Adventures of Doc and Mharti that was based on Back to the Future it's on YouTube if want to see it

    but a warning it's very weird

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