Regular Show S8 Episode 27-28 Reaction

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  1. Julio
    2 months

    Good show. 🖤

  2. Jaya
    4 months

    Man this finale still fuks me up... I had no idea it was coming back? honestly perfect ending imo

  3. AKA480.
    4 months

    Looking back, I really don’t like how Mordecai’s character was wrapped up. The CJ breakup felt so contrived and unnecessary. She was a great character and addition to the cast and she was booted out of the show for very flimsy reasons. And Mordecai’s growth felt so stunted ever since and his characterization was just awful. Especially by sacrificing his growth. And hamfisting a last minute love interest was such a cop out. I think I would have been more happy with his ending if he continued his character growth while still keeping the CJ relationship. And having that bounce off of rigby and Eileen would’ve been a great dynamic. But bad writing had other ideas. 

    3 replies
    1. Jaya
      4 months

      I think it's good they took a more realistic approach tbh... it would of been just another 2 dimensional cartoon character if mordecai got with CJ or Margret after all the shit he did

      1 replies
      1. AKA480.
        4 months

        I disagree because I think the breakup itself is so unnecessary and poorly written. It was just so contrived the way the characters were written to make it so that their relationship falls apart. I find that more unrealistic. My problem isn’t the decision Mordecai made. It’s that the writers made a bad call writing him that way. Mordecai’s actions did nothing for his character except make him less compelling. CJ was written to be the perfect romantic interest for Mordecai and they spent a lot of time giving her more character and having her become attached to the audience and some of the main characters. Only for that to fall apart in such a stupidly written way. Rewatching seasons 1-5, you really see how badly Mordecai was character assassinated in season 6. Yes he messed up a lot when it came to dating but before season 6, it was all self imposed destruction. 

    2. Chaos The Kidd
      4 months

      I was just looking around online to see if anyone shared my opinion and yet here it is in the comment section. 😄 I would have greatly preferred if they changed it so Mordecai handles the CJ and Margaret situation better and stay with CJ. She was just so fun and added so much cool stuff to situations and I loved how they meshed as a couple.

      1 replies
      1. AKA480.
        4 months

        I’m in the exact same boat as you.I want to love the ending, but I just can’t because of how Mordecai’s character was wrapped up.  A lot of people blame mordecai for his actions or CJ’s when she saw them at the chopper flight party. But I blame bad writing and characterization rather than the actual characters themselves. The writing felt so contrived and flimsy the way the latter half of season 6 played out. And apparently the writers had a hard time figuring out how to break them up. But maybe that was a sign that they shouldn’t break them up in the first place nor would it be organic or in character for that to happen. Wouldn’t it have been refreshing to see mordecai grow out of his fear of everything being awkward since he was in a stronger and longer relationship with CJ? But I guess the writers had other ideas for very flimsy reasons. Mordecai suddenly kissing Margaret and the forced repeated interactions he had with her felt so out of character and forced. And Margaret making everything worse by saying she has feelings. And the wedding was the straw that broke the camel’s back and it was devastating and detrimental to the character and I don’t think Mordecai’s character really recovered after that terrible piece of writing. And his growth felt very stunted and then tacked on at the last minute. When I think it would’ve been cooler to see both him and rigby develop and grow together and part of that includes having a stronger romantic relationship with their partners who are also friends with each other. And CJ freaking out at the chopper party was also terrible writing for her character and didn’t make sense and just felt like the show trying to tack on more reasons why they should break up through contrivances. Even though when CJ saw mordecai and Margaret together last time, she just left the party. And instead of trying to kill her when she saw them again while driving, she honked the horn and left. She didn’t try to kill anyone but now she does because we need the story to go that way even if it doesn’t make any sense for the characters. But this time she’ll almost kill them even if it’s detrimental for her character. If you really wanted to close the book on the Margaret thing, that doesn’t mean it has to destroy the great status quo we had in the series. Mordecai, CJ, Rigby, and Eileen had great chemistry as friends and couples. And getting to see mordecai and rigby grow and bond over their improved love life instead of rigby hiding it would have been a great dynamic. And CJ could’ve been in the space season and it wouldn’t have changed the plot and you just replace that last minute wife mordecai has with her instead. The pieces were all there and I think it would have been more organic and natural to take the characters there instead of sabotaging their relationship and booting CJ from the show after she had developed such a connection to Mordecai, Eileen, and to the audience. And essentially fill in her role with Margaret as a friend because we need to regurgitate that character even though it would have been much better to give Margaret better closure that doesn’t involve cj’s relationship falling apart.  Sorry for the rant

        1 replies
        1. AKA480.
          4 months

          It’s not like there weren’t great stories or episodes in seasons 7 and 8. But to me, the show’s quality started going downhill and never properly recovered ever since the Merry Christmas Mordecai episode. 

    3. AKA480.
      4 months

      If Mordecai and CJ settled down together, this would be a pretty much perfect ending for me. But unfortunately, that’s not the case. 

  4. kuz0nn
    4 months

    pls do smiling friends S2 soon 🙏

  5. Joey
    4 months

    you should do kids next door next

  6. stephenc1206
    4 months

    Watch it in Eddie Eddie

  7. Narutoanime16
    5 months

    Samurai Jack or Justice League I’d love to see em react to one day 

    1 replies
    1. Jaya
      4 months

      Samurai Jack would be dope... I think it's basically the last iconic cartoon they have left 

  8. _Owwls_
    5 months

    Would you guys give Total Drama Island a go? I don’t know what other cartoon show to recommend y’all reacted to all of em or already saw em

    1 replies
    1. _Owwls_
      5 months

      Or Codename Kids Next Door

  9. Sean
    5 months

    That old animation Pops went to is the first animation he made for Pops, a man from the country Lolliland who gets convinced he’s the ambassador

  10. Captain
    5 months

    Time for close enough dudes.🥳🥳🥳

  11. Parker
    5 months

    I've been waiting for this since ya'll first started watching this knowing how it was going to wreck ya'll emotionally. Totally worth it.

  12. Bedwars
    5 months

    Regular show is getting a continuation named Regular Show: Lost Tapes which is going to revolve around the original park gang

  13. Mark
    5 months

    Please please please do infinity train next the creator is Owen Dennis he wrote for regular show 

    3 replies
    1. Jaya
      4 months

      wait YES, infinity train was great

    2. Damon
      4 months

      I've been wanting them to do this show, as well!

    3. Exemtpie03
      4 months

      God I wish they would

  14. Arrowwolf
    5 months

    Thank you for watching my favorite show into it’s entirety, no one believes me when I say Regular Show makes me cry. I’ve enjoyed smoking and watching with y’all, can’t wait for more star wars aaand hopefully y’all will finish Tokyo Ghoul too? 

  15. C@mine1723
    5 months

    You should consider reacting to Codename: Kids Next Door!

    1 replies
    1. britti
      5 months

      I'd lose it if they reacted to KND, genuinely one of the best cartoons ever in my opinion. 

  16. King
    5 months

    You should watch the regular show minisodes there is a playlists on YouTube that has 15 episodes in it they’re super short but really good 

  17. Graff
    5 months

    It has been a joy to rewatch this show with y'all this past year. This makes 7 or 8 times I've rewatched this beauty and it never gets old. I don't know what the future will hold with this new show. I just know no matter what this masterpiece stays intact.

  18. Kristjaan
    5 months

    There also a Regular Show comic that takes place after the show

  19. BonnieBunny89009
    5 months

    Oh wow, this is my first time seeing the final episode. I was unfortunately spoiled about Pop's death because of my sister, but I still got super fucking emotional over that. Nearly audibly cried, what the hell dude. Loved going on this journey with y'all!

    Also, since y'all didn't bring it up, Eric actually predicted this, HE CAUSED THIS, BLAME IT ALL ON HIM! I can't remember what episode it was, but it was quite early, so he fucking brought it into existence, BLAME ERIC.

  20. Christian
    5 months

    You guys should definitely watch Close Enough. Made by the same creator 

  21. Poet
    5 months

    I was good till I heard Pops saying jolly good show then the tears hit me 

  22. Joseph
    5 months

    can't believe it 

  23. Petrichor12
    5 months

    Jolly good show 🤧

  24. PKKite
    5 months

    I would reccomend the creators next show Close Enough. It got 3 seasons but was canceled by HBO. He voices the main character with his normal voice like he does Mordacai. If this show was about self discovery in that early to mid 20s age range of college dropouts. The next show is about late mid to late 20 somethings figuring out how to raise their first kid and become "adults" in a world. Highly recommend.

  25. Tyler
    5 months

    Would love to see you guys watch ninjargo 

  26. Amantè
    5 months

    seeing the ending of this for the first time was a feeling that you can't replicate on repeated viewings imo. the meta theme of the finale was so well written and didn't feel ham fisted at all.

    I'm still recommending Kim Possible for the next cartoon yall watch, I'm not giving up lol

  27. sungodluka
    5 months

    I really hope you guys go back to Ben 10. UA is a great watch and Omniverse has so much lore.

  28. kid.dyn0mite
    5 months

    You guys should absolutely watch the creator’s student films The Naive man from Loliland, and 2 in the am pm. They were like the precursor to these characters and are referenced heavily in this finale.

  29. Mr. Eldritch
    5 months

    How perfect…I knew they said they’d quit watching if pops died for real: but, since it’s the finale they’ll have to stop watching anyway.

  30. Obsidianfox
    5 months

    Can't believe it's the end. It's been a ride.

  31. PJ
    5 months

    Please consider watching “Close Enough” if yall miss Regular Show! It would be something great to watch in anticipation for the show’s return/reboot.

  32. Miles
    5 months

    The end.

  33. BILL
    5 months

    I think that Regular Show has one of the most satisfying ending to a cartoon series ever. Also when I was younger I hated that Mordecai never ended up with CJ or Margaret, but looking back he doesn't really deserve them especially with CJ.

  34. theater_grandpa
    5 months

    I don’t want this to end but all good things have to come to an end eventually 

  35. CAD
    5 months

    This abouta mess me up...

  36. mymmaximo
    5 months


  37. sungodluka
    5 months

    This finale was so good ong

  38. ydkfreen
    5 months

    been waiting for this for my whole life

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