Regular Show S8 Episode 20-22 Reaction

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  1. Lala
    5 months

    Please do star vs the forces of evil 

    1 replies
    1. Razzmatazzmical
      4 months

      Absolutely agreed, its easily as grabbing as steven universe. If they like that they'd cream for SVTFOE

      1 replies
      1. Lala
        4 months


  2. novoxy
    5 months

    yup, those prices are crazy just for the platform to take whatever they want away bc they can. i just buy collections of shows and movies on bluray, 4k or whatever physical media format its on. 

  3. Leo
    5 months

    Check the bundle deal guys they have a bundle deal for $30 Disney Hulu and max all together that’s what I have and pay $30 a month 

  4. TheWojtek11
    5 months

    From what we know about new Regular Show episodes, they would be something akin to Adventure Time Fionna & Cake where it'll take place in the same universe but mostly follow new characters with some older characters also starring it.

    I'm excited for the show (especially cuz the original creator IS behind this) but it's really sad that literally everything is getting new episodes instead of new things coming out

  5. Graff
    5 months

    You know the shitty part about Max taking it off is? Regular Show never really got a complete set of DVD's/Blu Ray's/or anything. Only some seasons getting completed in the states. And trust me I ain't importing no Australian garbage as Boom would say.

  6. Residentfan 1
    5 months

    “Pops is Jesus confirmed.” Moses Ruff. Moses. Moses parted the sea.

  7. Joseph
    5 months

    the wrestler with the big head was trapped in a blackhole and became a park attraction i guess he died, thats what you dont remember

  8. Petrichor12
    5 months

    The musical rights in this show are always amazing!

  9. Ameena
    5 months

    Can you guys react to Hot fuzz Please? It really good 

  10. Kirby
    5 months

    Oh speaking of Phineas and Ferb at the end


    1 replies
    1. Havoc
      5 months

      I love that show, but I have no idea if they could finish it. it is formula the show. Its a good formula but still

      1 replies
      1. Kirby
        5 months

        Counterpoint: Shhhhh please let me hope

  11. matthew
    5 months

    Pops since day one has been right 

    Good show jolly good show

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