Star Wars Rogue One Reaction

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  1. Juan
    1 day

    Oh, and most of the fandom likes EP 7, too. It's just that Ep 7 is very similar to EP 4 if you think about it. But the central conflict is thinking of how 7 interacts with 8 and 9. It's 8 and 9 that the Fandom doesn't like. but watch the films, think about how you feel about them as a stand-alone film, than how it affects the trilogy, and then how it affects the previous movies.

  2. Juan
    1 day

    I promise this is my final comment. Rouge 1 is liked by the majority of the fandom. I think the few who dislike it are that there is so little time with the characters and that you know they are all going to die in the end. But the music was great, and the visuals, action, and story were good; in my opinion, the characters did grow, believe it or not, and everything flowed nicely. 

    Everyone considers this the best Disney Star Wars film and it is also one of the most diverse. No one complains about the cast. Andor, I think, is Latino, but he is a rebel badass who goes too far sometimes; Jyn becomes a leader, and gains hope after everything is taken from her. She becomes strong and grows into her role. K was a unique robot that left the empire with great, funny moments. The pilot is Indian, maybe, and feels natural that there is a variety of people in this galaxy; he is scared and chooses to be brave and do the right thing. Baze and Chirrut are Asian, I think, and were protectors of a temple, and that feels fine. We see Jedi of different races and species. Overall, these characters evolve throughout the movie, and it was never marketed to the public as, "Look guys, Look at how inclusive we are; the lead is a woman, and all the supporting cast is nonwhite people." And fans appreciate this. Disney was like, there are some open-ended questions from the original; let's answer them in this film and make it its own thing. This film is an easy 9/10 for me.

    I think this is a big issue Disney has had with its Star Wars content since Ep 8. Disney didn't take any significant risks with its projects, and it focused on outside messaging rather than on the film itself. Rouge One showed different main characters, different species, and a lot of world-building by showing new planets, strengthening the current story of Star Wars, and integrating well between Ep 3 and 4. This leads to the issue with the alcholyte. It didn't straighten or build upon pre-established Star Wars content. The world could have been more dynamic; the characters didn't naturally grow and could have been more creative, character-wise. 

    Glad you enjoyed it and hope you enjoy the future content. I am here for the fun adventure of clone wars!

  3. Juan
    1 day

    I originally didn't like this movie. Especially because I don't remember how I found out, but learning that this film was a prequel to Ep 4, I knew that everyone had to die. I just thought since the actors of the original trilogy were older, there was no way they could make a prequel film with characters from the original unless it was animated or there was a good look-alike. In summary, I thought this film was pointless until I watched it. I still wasn't a fan at first, because my suspicions were true, but it was way better than I thought. After some time and rewatching it, it is the best Disney star wars to date. We have very little time with the characters but they all grow. The pilot becomes brave, Jyn finds hope and purpose, Andor cares for others, K grows to understand others and fight even against all odds, chirrut (blind guy) fulfills his purpose to help others and follow the force, and Baze (the guy with a big gun) learns to trust the force and regain his spirit to help others. It is a tragic story but so good.

  4. Juan
    1 day

    You can watch Mando S1 now if you want but don't watch further. Andor is also good to go. And yes the show is about this Andor we saw. I haven't seen Andor myself yet, but I want to. I have heard nothing but great things about it. Also you can watch star wars Visions, there are about 9 shorts made by different animation companies and its a fun watch.

  5. Juan
    1 day

    Sorry, Ruff, you are wrong there. I am pretty sure that in the original trilogy, they mention that the crystals are the ones that power the Death Star. Fans did not hate the idea; I would say a lot like it. Use the weapon that monks used to protect the innocent and keep peace. It's fitting for a wrong person to use a weapon meant to protect the innocent to kill and harm innocent people.  I am sure Ruff, when you see the more recent content Disney gave us SW fans and think how it affects the story, you will agree with us.

  6. Chris
    3 days

    “Please tell me it’s Star Wars: Suicide Squad”

    Brother you got no idea 😂

  7. Zen
    3 days

    This was the fiirst of instance of Star Wars is awesome when you're not focusing on the fucking Skywalker gene pool

  8. Ninjathief
    4 days

    Y'all need to watch Star Wars: Visions at some point. Doesn't have much if anything to do with the main story but they're very cool.

  9. hewmanity
    4 days

    I like the originals, enjoyed the prequels, and have a love/hate relationship with the sequels, but this one has to be my favourite star wars movie

  10. Andre
    5 days

    "The prequels are better than the original trilogy" Is a spicy hot take that I wholeheartedly agree with.  The prequels are what got me into StarWars I remember seeing Return of the Jedi on TV when i was a kid but the Prequels and the Clone Wars is what solidified my love for Star Wars. The OG trilogy and Prequels were fantastic, Rogue One and The Force Awakens are great. The last two movies were okay in my opinion they're not terrible but definitely the weakest movies in my opinion 

  11. Cerebral
    5 days


  12. Terry
    5 days

    If you like Donnie Yen in this and John Wick you should really watch the IP Man movies

    1 replies
    1. Zen
      3 days

      i personally think his Kung Fu Killer movie is better than Ip Man

  13. matthew
    6 days

    The thing with star wars that i feel never gets adressed is 

    Forge your own opinions ignore the haters the community is so toxic that one famous reviewer called the new fans the hard R word for getting excited for anything star wars related 

  14. Bryan
    6 days

    I actually enjoyed the movie a lot! Also I would love for you guys to react to the Ip Man movies starting Donnie Yen they’re so Good!! Pleasee!!

  15. shantheman99
    6 days

    Small fun fact: we see Red Five die in the final battle, which is why the spot is open in A New Hope for Luke to take

  16. shantheman99
    6 days

    As a movie, this one is fine. Not great, just fine. It's got some cool action and a lot of fan service, but none of the characters are interesting. Everyone died, and the only one i actually felt sad about was the robot because he's funny. It has the spaceships, the blasters, and the lightsabers, but it's missing what made the originals special, which was heart.

    1 replies
    1. hewmanity
      4 days

      And here I am thinking how great of a movie it is with a lot of heart,

      interesting characters, good story, and little fan service.  Just it's

      own kind of special.

  17. idziman
    6 days

    Seeing Donnie Yen in this again makes me want to see you guys react to the Ip Man series. They're martial arts movies and they'd definitely be your style

  18. Brye
    6 days

    8 and 9 are just as good if not better the 7. The issue is that 7, 8, and 9 feel like they weren't well planned so they didn't know where they were going and it feels that way watching them.

  19. countershock3032986
    6 days

    In the empire strikes back during the hoth stuff, luke's squadron is named rouge two in honor of this group

  20. Swordfish
    6 days

    Just to say, Mandalorian takes place after Ep 6 ie Original Trilogy so you can be good to go. It eludes to the rise of the First Order with the Fallen Empire stuff, but now that you've seen Ep 7, it's all you really need to know. Boba Fett and Ahsoka shows branch off from the series, you'll know when to start those, no spoilers.

    SOME SPOILERS: While y'all be plugging along well with Clone Wars, you're a bit behind by the modern movie releases and so you might want to hold off on Solo until Season 4 of Clone Wars.

  21. Kate
    6 days

    It’s a really good movie, but I don’t like it because the chemistry is there with Jyn and Cassian, and they only stare at each other/hug. Should have kissed at least once 😤

    1 replies
    1. souledex
      2 days

      I cannot convey how glad I am that they didn't. People don't need to kiss for things to matter

  22. Pip
    6 days

    I'm convinced that some people just really like looking for reasons to hate on stuff, and Star wars is a prime example of that. I feel that a lot of people just really over analyze the plots of these movies for plot holes, so they can complain about them later. Like, my dudes, just enjoy the space battles, and lasersword fights. 

    1 replies
    1. Nathan
      6 days

      Not everyone is satisfied by flashy setpieces. Most audiences go to watch movies for plot, cinematography, world-building, continuity, conflict, and most importantly an interesting story; all things that the sequel trilogy lacks. I don't blame people one bit for hating them so much. They are objectively shoddy from a writing standpoint

  23. DJSkywalker
    6 days

    Honestly, it's still a great movie, definitely the best one Disney has made, but it's also one I don't return to often because I don't enjoy watching it. Sure it's this theme of hope, but the sacrifices for it just leave me bummed. Also really just didn't care too much about the main cast; didn't want them to die, but I wasn't interested in them either. So I wouldn't say I don't like Rogue One, if anything I appreciate it, but it's not one I would put on my watch list for any future viewings. Now let's see how 8 pans out because that's when all the trouble with Disney Star Wars truly reared its head.

  24. Petrichor12
    6 days

    Rogue One is my absolute favorite! It does the deaths so well without it feeling like shock value, I can watch it a hundred times and never get bored with some of these scenes.


    Now funfacts time!

    - Bodhi Rook (The Pilot) is played by Riz Ahmed who is Ballister in Nimona.

    - K2SO is Alan Tudyk and I'm pretty sure this is the first ever appearance of the Security Droids

    - The Vader hallway scene was referenced with Anne in Amphibia towards the end of the series

    - Jiang Wen, who played Baze Malbus, literally learned English for this role because his kids read the script and told him that he had to take the role.

    He and Donnie Yen (Chirrut Imwei) have worked on films together in China and are friends IRL.

    1 replies
    1. Petrichor12
      6 days

      Oh, and when K2 hit Cassian in the face on Jedha, Alan actually accidentally hit Diego Luna while improvising that part, and you can see him trying not to laugh underneath his hand.

  25. lupeporte4731
    6 days

    You should definitely watch Andor given that it's a standalone series and it doesn't spoil anything for any of the other projects 

  26. lupeporte4731
    6 days

    Honestly Mandalorian season 1 is okay to watch even though you haven't seen clone wars or rebels but I would tell you to wait for season two given that there are huge spoilers for certain characters. 

  27. Jln
    6 days

    Watching this and then going straight to A New Hope is satisfying as all hell lol LFG!

  28. sombra_hacker09
    6 days

    Yeah you guys can't mando season 2 and 3 along with ahsoka until you watch star wars rebels 

  29. jhero5665
    6 days

    “Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, Doctor.” I like to imagine that that dad joke is causing him to cringe under his mask like “Jesus why did I just say that!”

  30. Carlos
    6 days

    I absolutely adore this movie. Best SW film Disney produced by a wide margin. Second best SW thing they've made in general next to the peak that is Andor. Gilroy and co know how to make the Empire feel menacing.

  31. devontetheenigma
    6 days

    It's the story people don't like for the sequels. It's like someone wrote the beginning of the story with all this set up- left the project for someone else to finish it but then decided last minute to comeback and write the ending.

    1 replies
    1. jhero5665
      6 days

      What you just described is exactly what happened. JJ Abrams wrote episode 7, Rian Johnson wrote episode 8 and JJ Abrams came back to write episode 9.

  32. Loki
    6 days

    So two really funny facts about facts about this movie

    1. In order for Vader to have his dramatic appearance in the dark hallway, he had to turn of the lights on his chest, meaning he turned off his LIFE SUPPORT for the sake of a cool entrance

    2. Episode 4 picks up right after this, when Vader catches Leia, she claims they're on a diplomatic mission and have nothing to do with the rebels..........after being chased from the scene of a massive rebel battle

    1 replies
    1. Carlos
      6 days

      I mean #1 is definitely some Anakin ass shit lol

      1 replies
      1. Jln
        6 days

        And #2 Leia lying to his face in ANH is some "Anakin's kid" type shit lol

  33. KingOfRedLions89
    7 days

    I’m loving all of these Star Wars reactions and I’m so excited for what’s to come… there’s definitely a mountain of things to react to, but Andor is one of the best Star Wars shows and you can watch it now that you’ve seen Rogue One

  34. kaorineko
    7 days

    Honestly this is the best Star wars movie that was made by Disney. The force awakens is okay but I honestly didn't like another movie after that. 

  35. DarkThot
    7 days

    The watch order for Star Wars is, clone wars before bad batch/rebels, rebels before Ashoka, and seasons 1 and 2 of mando before the last two episodes of fett. Everything else is just how you want to watch it. 

  36. Loki
    7 days

    So the Death Star has alway been power by Kyber Crystals since the originals, but it was never mentioned in the movies, I believe it was George himself that originally mentioned it

  37. Mantas
    7 days

    for the series it is best if you guys watch Ahsoka as the last thing for star wars as it's story continues after clone wars, rebels, mandalorian and boba (all of those series have stuff that you need in the Ahsoka series)

  38. kekkers
    7 days

    Next up is Last Jedi and I'm looking forward to hearing their thoughts on it. Personally it's my second favorite Starwars Film. 

  39. Michael
    7 days

    The last great Star Wars movie

  40. pugprotectslove
    7 days

    Honestly, Rogue One is one of the only NEW-ish Star Wars movies that I have no issues with in any regard whatsoever. Sure, I'm sad that the characters we grew close to died, but I went to watch this in theaters, fully expecting everyone to die because of the Senator saying, "Many Bothians died getting us these plans." I was sobbing coming out of the theater, but it was so accurate to the lore that it made me feel satisfied at the same time.

    1 replies
    1. kekkers
      7 days

      I originally hated the film but it did grow on me.  Much of my dislike was centered on disliking the Death Star plans retcon.  But There were a lot of good performances and while we don't get a lot of time with the characters we get enough. 

  41. SoggyToast
    7 days

    I think salty fans overemphasize the negatives of the new movies without looking at the positives. All the new movies have bad things but also great things about the bad stuff gets center stage. There are glaring weaknesses in the movies going forward but everything up until now has been great

  42. Diuque
    7 days

    The mandalorian Is before SW Rebels: clone wars>the bad batch (opc)>Rebels>the mandalorian s1-s2... If watch the mandalorian now you go superblind for the season 1 

    1 replies
    1. Zak
      7 days

      the Mandalorian takes place after rebels tho rebels is before this movie and Mandalorian is after the return of the Jedi

  43. COREY
    7 days

    Guys....Goku is basically a God. He has to try not to blow up planets with his attacks.

  44. smilingknight
    7 days

    Stormtrooper armor disperses energy. The kinetic energy from blaster fire will often still knock out the trooper but they do survive. This is canon lol

  45. smilingknight
    7 days

    Fun fact about blue squadron that participated in the attack on Scarif. In the original movies, when Luke destroys the original Death Star he was meant to be a part of blue squadron however the blue was conflicting with the blue screens so instead they switched to gold squadron and had blue squadron destroyed during the attack on Scarif

  46. Death
    7 days

    the issue isn't visuals or vfx or anything like that its the story for most of the newer star wars made its all garbage straight shit

  47. Ramba_Ya
    7 days

    this is the best of the Disney Star Wars films

  48. Jesse
    7 days

    yeah andor is a prequel to this . its currently 1 season  but season 2 is coming sometime in 2025    alot of people say its one of the better efforts coming from the disney era of star wars 

    1 replies
    1. pugprotectslove
      7 days

      Andor is one of the best Disney live-action shows to date

      1 replies
      1. olin616
        6 days

        Correction, *is the best*😂 - it’s not even a close competition.

  49. khyri
    7 days

    imo episode 8 and 9 is when the criticism of these movies actually become valid. Yes the prequels (1-3) were hated on but a lot of the hate on those movies are kinda petty and stupid.

  50. Sagi
    7 days

    Now Andor reaction

    1 replies
    1. pugprotectslove
      7 days


  51. MephilesNumberOneFan
    7 days

    I love this movie a lot

  52. korrasrightbicep
    7 days

    I have been waiting for this since the day y’all started the SW reactions 😭 this is my favorite Star Wars movie of all time. 

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