RWBY S6 Episode 5-6 Reaction

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  1. Paul
    51 minutes

    This two-parter is, hands down, my absolute favorire pair of episodes in the whole show.  There are moments, whole episodes, and longer arcs that I might rank higher, but this is an incredibly effective, self-contained, downright chilling and atmospheric horror story that utilizes the characters' histories and the unique details of the setting to great effect, while also advancing the overall narrative of the show in a key way by testing and ultimately reinforcing the characters' resolve, espeically Ruby's.  Plus, it gives us some silver-eye lore, acknowledgement of Qrow's alcoholism as a problem, a clever and unsettling adaptation of Bartleby the Scrivener, and an otherwise unrelated but still stunning Cinder v Neo fight.

  2. equinox626
    5 hours

    cinder vs neo is my pick fore best RWBY song...

  3. SauceyRed
    19 hours

    I remember before they confirmed they were starting RWBY, I was hoping they'd react to it for AGES, and I genuinely had little hope that they'd get to it, mostly because of its length. But here they are today, less than 3 volumes away from being caught up and loving every second of it. As a RWBY fan, I couldn't be happier. Thank you so much!

  4. Stash
    20 hours

    We've reached one of my fave (if not #1 fave) grimm designs: the Apathy--grimm who feel like they've climbed out of an Edgar Allen Poe short story. I love a solid horror story, and I felt this one worked well and tied in with the overall RWBY story and character progression. Who wouldn't be exhausted after all of their travel and after learning some seriously hopeless info via lore drop? It also worked to flesh out the world of Remnant by showing another way people have tried to survive in the "wild"/without the protection of city walls and a team of huntsman.


    Additionally, I don't know if it's been made obvious enough or if the guys have realized it, but Qrow's semblance is him radiating literal bad luck (specific name is "Misfortune"). He can't turn it off (but he can amplify it by using his aura). Qrow will utilize it in fights like taking advantage of cracks in building structure (fight against Tyrian in dilapidated town V4, Ep. 7), or it may work against him like when just touching the cart popped the tire. I know a lot of RWBY fans know this, but I personally had to look it up to confirm it because it was never really explicitly stated (not that I'd want it to be explicitly stated in the show unless it could come across naturally in the dialogue). There's also a fan theory that Qrow drinks so much to dull his semblance's effectiveness, but I didn't see anything in an official source about it.

    1 replies
    1. MephilesNumberOneFan
      15 hours

      Didn't Qrow outright state that's what his semblance was back in V4?

  5. Havoc
    20 hours

    Quick clarification. Ruby's mom , Summer Rose, had silver eyes. It is genetic

  6. Impactsona
    21 hours

    You would think it would have been a long time, but for real it's only been like a year since the fall if I remember right.

  7. Raptor
    21 hours

    I love the story they made for the reason the Apathy was there. They easily could’ve just happened to be there but the backstory added some fantastic flavor.

  8. Dyl
    22 hours

    And you got to some of my favorite episodes! They do a nice job of giving a break with a side plot as well as well as still pushing the story forward.

  9. SavvySpark
    22 hours

    One thing I always forget is how well paced this Volume is. Things move quickly, but you also have cases like episode 6 where you can have smaller more quiet moments between the characters. I love the subtle storytelling with Weiss. You know when Ruby brings up Qrow’s drinking she instantly is thinking about her mother and then you get her moment of catharsis when she smashes the wine bottles and sets them on fire.

  10. William
    23 hours

    A small subtle thing that I learned from other keen eye reactors is that Oscar is acting more like Ozpin. He's sometimes pacing or standing in a stance similar to Ozpin used to with his cane.It's the small things. 😁

  11. Cortney
    23 hours

    Maria Calavera!!! Put some respect on my girl’s name! I wanna be her when I grow up.

  12. Petrichor12
    23 hours

    And cue my personal favorite Grimm #2! 

    The lyrics in the Neo vs Cinder song talk about how Neo "had one thing and it was taken away" which was Roman. The two were a dynamic duo and the RWBY team wrote a book about them called "Roman Holiday" but someone more knowledgeable will need to tell you if it is safe to read without spoilers because I only remember it as a prequel.

    1 replies
    1. Damon
      3 hours

      Roman Holiday is safe to read before volume 2. There’s no spoilers and it provides ALOT of context to the twins and Miss Malachite

  13. MephilesNumberOneFan
    1 day

    Episode 5 is another of my favorites from the volume, but it's probably number 3 overall

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