Ralph Breaks the Internet Reaction

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  1. gtqcnumber1
    5 months

    They missed the last end credit SCENE NOOOOOO XD always check mid credit and after credits just to be safe guys cause you missed something cool at the end

  2. Zach
    7 months

    This is like SUCH a weird request but would you guys please so the Disney money Bolt? It's SUCH a banger

  3. Diesel
    7 months

    Omg. I TOTALLY FORGOT that extra scene was the ending. The coolest part is that it actually DID feature in the trailers for this movie. Also, the best part, the END END credits scene in the Theatre was a fake trailer for Frozen 2 or 3 that got cut off with Ralph and Vanellope doing a goddamn RICK ROLL!!!! XD

  4. Diesel
    7 months

    The Ralph Jealousy plotline had jo reason or need to be there at all. Vanellope was already insecure enough to cause a glitch if they needed that to be the hook at the end and theur disagreement was already highlighted and possibly solved by Shanks ten minutes before the movie ended. I just don't get how they could miss a slam dunk concept of a movie like this so hard.

  5. drizzt8886
    7 months

    amazon is where you go to get generic stuff you could find anywhere. Ebay is for obscure stuff that is most likely a scam but you might get lucky. If I needed a steering wheel for a discontinued arcade cabinet I'd check ebay

  6. hurryupmode
    7 months

    I don't know if you noticed, but when the popup "Sassy Housewives Wanna Meet You" shows up, it's a photo of Aunt Cass from Big Hero 6.

    1 replies
    1. soldiermarvinfrfr
      7 months

      i don’t think they watched big hero 6 yet but i hope they react to it

  7. emperorbelos
    7 months

    I would love kingsman to comeback would y’all consider watching that. Also that is one of the funniest end credit seasons of all time

  8. iKirbeeburgr
    7 months

    pretty sure the reason they used a made up app instead of YouTube is because YouTube likes do not immediately translate to dollars. just posting a bunch of random videos on youtube would not get you the kind of money they needed in that time frame.

  9. david
    7 months

    It's cool that they brought all the original princess voice actresses back besides those from the older movies Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora 

  10. Diamond
    7 months

    You guys should consider heartstopper tv show. The whole 1st season is only 3 hours. I think the 2nd is the same. Dope watch and popular for reactions. Season 3 will be coming soon too.

  11. Joe
    7 months

    why didnt they call it Ralph wrecks the internet???

    1 replies
    1. tedder
      7 months

      that was a joke in one of the trailers

  12. Aaron
    7 months

    You guys, including Ruff and Hman, should all react to A Quiet Place part one and two. New movie A Quiet Place Day One just hit theaters too. Amazing thrilling series.

    1 replies
    1. iKirbeeburgr
      7 months

      HMan is no longer with us 😔

  13. Unluckynick
    7 months

    My little niece and nephew had me watch Under the boardwalk  pretty good movie I think you guys would like it 

  14. Charlie
    7 months

    yeah this kinda feels like it overextends a really cool premise just for the sake of making a sequel honestly, the cool arcade interconnected world was sick but extending it all the way to having them interact with internet apps and shit was not it

    1 replies
    1. Diesel
      7 months

      Yeah. I'm not saying it wasn't a fun movie or anything. The references and jokes got me a few times for sure. But the story structure, character motives, and execution were way off. Hell, the Ebay/influencer arc pretty much didn't matter at all. A complete waste of time and space. Why not just make it so they wanted to do a little explorong one night after the Arcade closes? They get a little too ambitious and Vanellope still ends up finding Slaughter Race and doesn't want to leave? They could've just explored a bunch of online websites/games in the mean time instead. Idk, the great parts are good, but everything else just drags it down so badly.

  15. Charlie
    7 months

    never actually watched the sequel

  16. kikko78
    7 months

    Please see Hunchback of NotreDame

  17. agilecandle428
    7 months

    Fun Fact Eboy In the UK Version is Voiced By DanTDM

    1 replies
    1. SauceyRed
      7 months

      They dubbed the movie in British English??

      1 replies
      1. agilecandle428
        7 months

        I think Eboy was the only voice change

  18. Internet Zing
    7 months

    WE NEED RUFF BACK!!! I MISS THE TRIO! :( hopefully he can get well soon

  19. Anna
    7 months

    You guys gotta check out Rango, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and the Mitchells vs. the Machines

    2 replies
    1. EverlastingGrace
      7 months

      my vote goes to rango

    2. Petrichor12
      7 months

      Have they not done Mitchells vs the Machines yet? My vote goes to that one then!

  20. MegumiMary
    7 months

    so the funny part about the pancake and milkshake scene (aside from the little girl being scared for life by an exploding bunny) is that is was basically this movie's equivilent of the Sloth DMV scene from Zooptopia so the line "There was a scene in the trailer that wasn't in the movie" was a refrence to the fact that this mid credits scene was shown a lot in the trailers and was seemingly absent for most of the movie (and unless you stayed to this midcredits scene you would have assumed like the little girl that the scene was not in the movie at all)

  21. KingOfRedLions89
    7 months

    Thank you guys for reacting to this. It was great getting to see it all over again with you. The Disney princess scenes are hilarious and definitely my favorite

  22. rin
    7 months

    I wanna recommend princess & the frog bc the tiana scene was my favorite here

    2 replies
    1. devontetheenigma
      7 months

      Man all this racing in this movie, only makes me want to see them react to Speed Racer the movie even more

    2. spookyBud17
      7 months

      Fr one of my favorite princess movies 

  23. AniMangaFan
    7 months

    Too bad Bree could see this one

    1 replies
    1. AniMangaFan
      7 months


  24. RyanCrossProject
    7 months


  25. Shana
    7 months

    Since you guys were still confused about it, Yesss says "YouTube has that one"; so buzztube is meant to be a similar but separate entity entirely(hence why they able to make money so quickly, the rules were made up)

  26. Kizuato
    7 months

    I really hope you guys do The Incredibles next!!!

  27. spookyBud17
    7 months

    Suck a great movie and why do vanellope looks like Cindy lou who 😂can you guys react to brother bear or Dreamworks home or prince of Egypt 

  28. ZayZillions
    7 months

    This movie is basically Ralph dealing with change, and the complaints I hear are about Ralph’s obsessiveness/overprotective nature towards venolope(I enjoy this move tho)

    1 replies
    1. ZayZillions
      7 months


  29. darkus
    7 months

    Eboy is the little rat guy from adventure time. Shermy from the last episodes of adventure time and Fionna and cake

  30. erlu
    7 months

    Wow I never knew that there is SO MUCH HATE for this movie... I really enjoy it every time I watch it

    1 replies
    1. Antonio
      7 months

      people like to overanlyze kids movies

  31. striker
    7 months

    Plz React too Real Steel. It's such a good film abd it never got a sequel...

  32. Mr.Maple
    7 months

    Whew. It's been a while since I watched this. Yeah, I still really don't like it. 

  33. Dylan
    7 months

    Yall should definitely check out "stardust"

  34. Sincerely,
    7 months

    what a movie. since you guys have disney plus def give Hamilton a try. 

  35. Raptor
    7 months

    I typically go into Disney sequels expecting with the lowest expectations. While I don’t necessarily hate this movie, Ralph going from having complex struggles with his view of himself and the role he plays in the world but with believably below average intelligence to 1-dimensional clingy man child wasn’t very fun. Vanellope and the Princesses was the best scene, but other parts like Felix saying he’ll “Cover for Ralph while he’s gone” completely ignoring the fact that was the previous film’s entire conflict bothered me quite a bit.

  36. sombra_hacker09
    7 months

    Yah the lady ralph disconnected the internet too turned out to be a child predator so he did good on that one 

  37. Residentfan 1
    7 months

    Ohhh….first thing I did was check if you caught the second post credit scene because everyone misses it. Shame.

  38. Kyra
    7 months

    So fast with the reaction I'm here for it 🙌  underrated disney sequel tbh I remember really enjoying this when it first came out 

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