Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace Reaction

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  1. Garrett
    3 months

    Great reaction fellas! These movies have definitely got better as the years go by. Still cringe & corny with bad dialogue in alot of spots but it feels charming while doing it. Not stupid

  2. vividlearner744
    4 months

    I thought the droids are hated because of a droid revolution that happened in the past. or that something i've read in a fanfic and just accepted as cannon

  3. TSP247
    6 months

    I think the best game your going to find that comes the closest to pod racing is wipeout omega collection.

  4. Colonel
    6 months

    1:12 the way they synchronized xD 

  5. SillyBilly
    9 months

    I'm shocked no one has mentioned Star Wars Pod Racer for the Nintendo 64. I thought that was like, one of the more iconic Star Wars video games. Not that it's great or anything, just well known I thought. Also as a few other comments have said, it would be AWESOME you y'all would play Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga after the prequel trilogy. 

  6. snakegoddess
    9 months

    As someone who is proficient in a double bladed light saber i can agree that it is very difficult to learn. They explained the force death situation kind of in both the Clone Wars series and in Disney+ Obi Wan Kenobi tv series.

  7. Movie
    9 months

    Ah the movie that introduced one of my favourite Jedi Qui gon Jiin i have to admit as someone who grew up watching the orginal Star Wars movies in the 90's when my parents showed me them and then getting to see this and the other prequels in the cinema for the first time i love the prequels just as much.I think the casting was perfect we got to explore the Star wars universe more especially the history of the Jedi and Sith the introduction of Darth Maul and off course even more epic movie scores including one of the greatest Star Wars pieces ever Duel of the Fates i am interested to see what your opinions are off the other movies especiallu Ruff but awesome reaction as always guys😊

  8. Gizmo
    9 months

    i actually started with the prequel trilogy because as a kid i didnt know what prequels were and thought of episode 1 was the start,even though i thought it was weird that 4,5 and 6 were made after 1,2 and 3 lol

    It was only years later i learned what prequels were.

  9. Blindshark
    10 months

    Please watch the clone wars show! it’ll give all your answers you need and the fact you guys are enjoying this. you guys will love the show

  10. Echo
    10 months

    Damn, I legit didn’t realize how weird the Christian undertones were. Like, as someone with religious trauma that I am currently dealing with, it made watching the rest of this unbearable. It hit really close to home on already open and fresh wounds. Hope you guys enjoyed it tho! I’ll probably join back up for the second one cuz Mace Windu and one fight that caused some confusion for my gay ass self. Padme is a boss ass bitch and 9 yr old me was super down with that lmao

  11. Jam
    10 months

    I don't know about Spielberg, but I know Harrison Ford wanted Han Solo to be killed and George wouldn't do it.

  12. Alice
    10 months

    The "turning to dust" thing is explained in the 3d clone wars series. The short answer is that it is a learnable skill and not all jedi can do it.

    1 replies
    1. Garrett
      3 months

      Exactly. You have to reach a level of enlightenment that is not easy to attain. Most don't even believe it's possible. Like someone whose powerful but not wise (Windu) wouldn't disappear & become one with the force as a "ghost"

  13. Easy_DG
    10 months

    You guys have GOT to check out Star Wars The Force Unleashed both the trailers and the games there are two of them and they are both awesome!!!

  14. LJ
    10 months

    I feel like star wars ep1-3 and korra are similar in that they are just as good as the originals (even better in sum cases) yet people will hate on them purely because they dont want the original story to be touched or they just want to be pish posh snobs goin "i find the original star wars to much more refined and thought out"

    1 replies
    1. DrTocan
      10 months

      Nah, Mr. Plinkett made solid points.

  15. Petrichor12
    10 months

    You can listen/watch the Weird Al song now! 

  16. Hello
    10 months

    One of my favorite moments in this movie is when Qui-Gon, Obi-wan and Dark Maul were all stuck in different spaces with the lazer walls and you can see the different mindsets of the sith/jedi. Darth Maul, and impulsive, impatient and power hungry sith is constantly pacing back and forth, itching to resume the fight. Qui-Gon, a jedi master calmly sits and meditates, unmoving and Obi-Wan remains standing, but doesn't pace, which is a bit in the middle, showing his inexperience

  17. Daniel
    10 months

    The reason why Yoda and Obi-Wan vanished when they died is kinda of explained in one line in the end of Episode III. It's a line that goes over people's heads most of the time, most people don't even realize what it means so that's probably why you guys didn't know the reason.


  18. JM
    10 months

    Jar Jar and midichlorians aside, I think one of the biggest things about the sheer amount of hate the prequels got was there were a few decades of books/comics/video games that came out between the two trilogies, and nobody thought there would be more movies so those things more or less just went crazy with it, with very little if any oversight from Lucas. Then along rolls the new movies, and of course they're going to contradict a bunch of expanded universe stuff, but by that point a whole lot of fans were attached and any little deviation was a source of irritation.

    I didn't have any connection to that (the midichlorians were where I got salty), but I never warmed up to these too much. That said, when Phantom Menace released, I had a friend who somehow got opening night tickets, and lemme tell you a theater packed with Star Wars fans where this shit was going on was wild. The audience went insane when Maul revealed he had a dual lightsaber, that just wasn't a thing beforehand. Duel of the Fates is still one of my favorite things in Star Wars.

  19. KingOfRedLions89
    10 months

    Happy Birthday George Lucas ??

    1 replies
    1. KingOfRedLions89
      10 months


  20. wynosaurus
    10 months

    I think you guys should watch The Clone Wars, Rebels, Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, Bad Batch, Tales of the Jedi, Tales of the Empire and Ahsoka in RELEASE ORDER. All of those shows are connected by characters and plot threads and they all involve a man named Dave Filoni as a creative lead.

    You can watch Star Wars the Clone Wars THE MOVIE after Attack of the Clones, it's pretty standalone and introduces new characters but it'll be a good teaser for the show. It was actually theatrically released in 2008.

    the destinction between different clone wars shows is "Genndy Tardtakovsky's Star Wars Clone Wars" and "Star Wars THE Clone Wars". Genndy Tartakovski's clone wars is non-canon but very fun and only three hours in it's totality. Star Wars The Clone Wars began as an anthology series on cartoon network but became more serialized as it went, so its pretty out of order for the first couple of seasons. The first episode chronologically is episode 16 of season 2.

    You don't NEED to watch Star Wars Resistance, but it might be fun to do on your own time maybe with the kids.

    Andor is a prequel to Rogue One so you can watch that as soon as you watch Rogue One. Kenobi is set between Episode 3 and 4 so you can watch that as  soon as you finish the Prequels, Star Wars Visions is completely standalone, Disney just let a bunch of anime studios go wild and make non-canon Star Wars episodes, there are zero spoilers for anything in them.  The Acolyte (coming out in June) is set long before Episode 1, so before the entire saga.

  21. wynosaurus
    10 months

    One more movie and you can start watching the Genndy Tartakovsky Clone Wars show, it's a short watch but the last episode coincides with the beginning of Episode 3 so you may want to wait until you finish the prequels

  22. myboi
    10 months

    there is actually a really fun podracing game that was just made backwards compatiable on xbox

  23. Subject 401
    10 months

    For a lot of the things they dont discuss, like force ghosts, they flesh out and explain in the clone wars series

  24. David
    10 months

    Jar Jar was mostly just this unfunny and kind of annoying cg creature that flopped around near the main characters. Far from the worst thing in Star Wars, but I get why people were not a fan.

    1 replies
    1. Echo
      10 months

      Which is sad bc as a nuerodivergent kid who had a hard time with certain types of humor I adored him. And the man who played him was actually (if I remember correctly, this could’ve been a rumor I’m not super sure) pulling in a lot of references to his home culture and languages and shit; which is such a bummer. I was also 9 when the third movie came out, so like I grew up on these when I was a little kid 

  25. jemx27
    10 months

    Lego Star wars has pod racing! you play as ani and do the same race from the movie. I have the full chronicles on switch

  26. Residentfan 1
    10 months

    To add to the ET and Lucas/Spielberg thing, in ET when they dress ET in a ghost costume for Halloween, they walk past a kid dressed as Yoda and ET runs to him yelling “home!” Which, now that I say that out loud raises some questions about the nature of Star Wars being set in the galaxy that ET is from while simultaneously being a work of fiction created by George Lucas in the ET movie.

  27. Vilmu
    10 months

    I'm a more casual viewer of the franchise, but the criticism of the Jedi feels intentional. Like how Luke wanted to help his friends in the original trilogy while Yoda and Obi-Wan were like "nah, just let them die." And how Qui-Gon Jinn here didn't want to just blindly follow the code.

    1 replies
    1. Quin
      5 months

      Unfortunately, it's actually not intentional. At least, a lot of it isn't. It's clear from the way he's talked about it that George Lucas has some pretty toxic ideas and values, and really did intend the Jedi to be the good guys. but the way everything is portrayed and plays out does still feel pretty realistic and the flaws in his thinking are pretty apparent, so ultimately the criticism can still be read as accurate.

  28. SA_Ross
    10 months

    We need some Star Trek movie reactions next

    1 replies
    1. hurryupmode
      10 months

      I feel like there needs to be some familiarity with the lore and characters. The procedural, investigative nature of Star Trek TV Shows is what needs to be communicated to first time viewers. Unless you go the modern Star Trek movie route, which is just star wars in Star Trek cosplay.

      1 replies
      1. SA_Ross
        10 months

        Fair enough.  I'd be equally down to watch TNG or DS9 reactions lol

  29. _Crimson_Fkr_
    10 months

    After you watch the prequels you should check out the Genndy Tartakovsky clone wars micro series, its short about 2 hours long totally worth the watch though it isn't canon anymore.

  30. Melissa
    10 months

    I'm hoping that they watch the clone wars series and maybe even bad batch series, since they're going through the movie trilogies.

  31. lightning63
    10 months

    You guys could probably watch The Acolyte when it comes out since it's set before the prequels.

  32. Badger
    10 months

    Love that you are enjoying this. Prequel triology is personnally my favorite of the three.  My only recomandation is that if you intend to watch all the shows too, then you should hold off on watching the 2 bonus movies, Rouge One and Solo, and watch them in release order with the other shows. 

  33. MegumiMary
    10 months

    The Battle against Dath Maul is known as the Duel of Fates

    The Duel was really about who would train Anakin. Qui Gon Died, Obi Wan Lived.

    As a result Obi Wan trained Anakin but his training was more in line with the more tradional and rigid structure of the Jedi Order. If Qui Gon had trained Anakin he would have given Anakin the freedom he needed to not fall to the Dark Side.

    The Light Side of the Force Lost the Duel of Fates.

  34. KingOfRedLions89
    10 months

    Another fun thing is try doing a google image search for “Puppet Yoda Phantom Menace”…

     the original theatric release of this used a puppet for yoda that looked way different from the original trilogy one…. It looked WILD but also kinda funny… it got a lot of hate and they ended up replacing it with CGI for Episode 2 and the re-release of this one once the blu-ray came out and all future versions of the film

    Kinda reminds me of how the Sonic The Hedgehog movie had a bad looking Sonic for the initial trailer before the internet caused them to spend tons of money to fix it and make it look good… which thank god lol

  35. KingOfRedLions89
    10 months

    Fun fact: Keira Knightly is the decoy Queen Amidala

  36. 25redshark
    10 months

    People got so mad when midichlorians came out because "the force isnt mystical anymore, its now in your cells!". But like the force is still an energy field in the universe, and midichlorians are just the part of your body that interacts with it, like how your eyes interact with light. Since the star wars universe is not our universe, it makes sense that they'd explain that the reason they have powers is they literally have a different body part!

  37. MegumiMary
    10 months

    I always found medichlorians to be one of the more ingenous world building mechanics of Star Wars

    It works like a Micro SD card Adapter- it allows the user to interface with the force directly- the more medichlorians the easier it is to interface with the force

    This is why you have people without any kind of Jedi ability who are still able to be guided by the force- think Han Solo flying into an Asteroid Field and coming out Alive or surviving the Carbon Freezing Process. He's not a force sensative and yet the force was still looking out for him. Same Applies to Artoo in this very movie! Droids Have 0 Medichlorians! And yet the force looked out for Artoo

    Mediclorians are not the force- they are just an interface for the force

  38. Claire
    10 months

    I’m gonna nerd out for a bit. With regards to Jabba, he’s basically the Al Capone of a very large stretch of space. He doesn’t have any official power (Tatooine technically has a mayor), but he controls it and everyone knows that. Age wise, Anakin is about 9-10 and Padme is 13-14 (Naboo has something about youth being innocent and guileless and therefore better leaders). Qui-Gon is kinda a maverick Jedi, like he’ll go on a mission and come back with something on fire, an overthrown government, and a tag-along, hence why the council is making side-eyes. Anakin is pretty old for a normal Jedi initiate, since most join between infancy and 3 years old. Jedi are not child-stealers; it is very difficult raising a Force-sensitive child and untrained Force users can be dangerous to themselves and others, so many will give their children to the Jedi. They give them up young since the Jedi don’t want to take kids from families they already know. While being too old for an initiate, Anakin is also too young to be a Padawan. Most become one during the tween years, which is another reason the Council was concerned, since he has zero Jedi training. Padawan and Knight teams often deal with dangerous situations. Obi-Wan is also 23 and a very new Knight, someone who under normal circumstances would not have a Padawan for years. Yoda is the Jedi Grandmaster and head of the council, but they do make decisions not solely based on him. Yoda said in the movie he was against Obi-Wan training Anakin, but the council sided with Obi-Wan.

  39. MegumiMary
    10 months


    the prequel trilogy covers roughly 10 years and the span of time between Order 66 and Battle of Yavin is about 20 years so this movies is rougly 30 years before the battle of Yavin I'd wager

    1 replies
    1. lightning63
      10 months

      Probably best to not post spoilers when someone is watching Star Wars for the first time

      1 replies
      1. MegumiMary
        10 months

        i I said light spoilers- so the other two know to keep him away from that comment hopefully

        also I'm banking on his lack of SW knowledge to understand what "order 66" is

  40. Wulves
    10 months

    Attack of the Clones then the Clone Wars series next, please!

    1 replies
    1. emperorbelos
      10 months

      Don’t think that’s happening. They might circle around to clone wars but probably only if enough people ask for it

      1 replies
      1. MegumiMary
        10 months

        I think they should watch RotS first

        I'm still watching Clone Wars but there are a few things in the show that you only pick up on with knowldege from having seen all six movies first

        I also know there is a very good arc in a future season (that was ruined for me) and if they watch the show first then they will have the single best (and heartbreaking) moment of the entire prequel trilogy ruined (at least in terms of first time viewing)

        I cannot stress how much I don't want them to watch Clone Wars first!

  41. Tyler
    10 months

    After you Finish the Prequels you should watch the TV shows

    2008 Clone Wars (Takes place Between Episodes 2 and 3, and watch in chronological order because it is not in order for the first couple seasons)

    Bad Batch 3 seasons (Post Episode 3)

    Obi-Wan Tv Show (10 years before Episode 4)

    Rebels (Pre Episode 4)

    Mandolorian (Seasons 1 and 2)

    Book of Boba Fett

    Mandalorian (Season 3)


  42. DementisXYZ
    10 months

    Not even a minute into the video and I find myself concerned about the placement of Patrick's Magic Conch.

  43. Nathan
    10 months

    After having watched these movies as a kid and now an adult, yeah Jar Jar is just too much. I tried so hard to enjoy him as much as you guys, but he just feels like a knockoff c3po. The character that gets into wacky situations but everything ends up working out, except Jar Jar is so annoying to listen to

    1 replies
    1. lightning63
      10 months

      He just needed to be toned down

  44. shantheman99
    10 months

    You guys should react to the Mr. Plinkett reviews of the prequels once you've seen all 3.

  45. Nike
    10 months

    I think the main issue a lot of people had with Jar Jar was how...goofy he was. Star Wars is a space opera with a generally serious tone and some fun quips in to release the tension. But Jar Jar was focused more to a younger audience appeal, cartoon goofy in a sci-fi space opera of lightsaber duels and fighting the Empire doesn't feel like it goes well together. Personally, I was kind of on the middle with him, just thought he was weird and the way he talked was difficult to follow when I first watched it so I mainly ignored him. I focused more on the action scenes when I was younger. I also looked up to see other reasons why he was hated, one being how people thought his character was the worst thing ever written in any movie or story. He had too hard a plot armor, the way he bumbled through everything, and he was ok or won through his 'clumsy' trait or dumb luck. Not to mention he had no personality besides just clumsy or goals to work through; many felt he didn't even play a vital role at all and no reason for him to be in the story besides appealing to younger viewers.

    But overall I loved the Phantom Menace, the action and lightsaber duel choreography was incredible, and I was also star struck with the designs of the robots. I even went to see it when it was remastered for 3d and the pod racing scene was even more fun! There was an MMORPG star wars game online I played a while ago, but I can't remember the name. I remembered you made your Jedi, did quests and could play a few minigames with others and one was a pod racing minigame and another was jedi dueling with a chain of arrow directions 3 rounds, and you'd have to get the chain first to hit first. Loved your reaction, can't wait for the next movie, it's awesome!

  46. Joshy
    10 months

    Please watch Spaceballs

  47. RoBroCrafts
    10 months

    Please watch The Clone Wars in chronological order!

  48. Gabriel
    10 months

    I am loving these reactions. I love seeing Ruff experience Star Wars for the first time along with Boom and Eric who have seen them but dont fully remember everything. I cant wait to see your reactions to the rest. The 3rd one is my all time favorite.

  49. sguy90
    10 months

    So fun fact the actor who plays Obi-Wan in the prequels is Ewan Mcgregor, has a history with Star Wars. His uncle plays Wedge Antilles in the original movies. George Lucas is kinda a pioneer in film making, especially in the prequels. Jar Jar is the first character who's entirely CGI interacting with real actors in live action. Without Jar Jar, we wouldn't have characters like Gollum in Lord of The Rings, or even Davy Jones in the Pirates movies etc. I will say this about Star Wars in general, they are great at world building, especially in the extra details outside the movies. It why people want you to watch 'The Clone Wars' along with TV shows animated and live action besides the movies.

  50. Kee
    10 months

    I really don't get the hate this movie gets. I mean I can understand the hatred towards Jar Jar even though I'm kinda neutral about him and I can understand if people don't like the CGI effects as opposed to the practical effects but I think those alone aren't enough reasons to hate the movie. I still stand by that Phantom Menance is one of the best of the trilogies next to obviously the originals. I still like Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith but Phantom Menace I feel is the best of the three. I feel bad for the actor who played young Anakin and it is sad to see what happened to him but I think he did a fantastic job. He was interesting, entertaining and as corny as it sounds, adorable in the role.

  51. Radar
    10 months

    I'd recommend for you to play either LEGO Star Wars The complete saga (movie 1 to 6) or the Skywalker saga (movie 1 to 9)

  52. bbenzo.
    10 months

    My main problem with Jar Jar(and furthermore the entirety of the Gungans) is how racist they are, and I don’t mean towards each other. They’re straight up akin to how black people were portrayed in early cinema, something I’ve heard tossed around is comparing them to minstrel show, and that’s a very apt comparison. If they were toned down a bit, it might be passable, but rewatching certain scenes just make a nigga feel uncomfortable, shit is blatantly racist.

  53. Gabriel
    10 months

    I definitely agree with if you havent seen Star Wars you should start with the OG Trilogy then the prequels and afterwards when rewatching you start at the Prequels.

  54. LaLa
    10 months

    Soooo, super surprised no one mentioned it, but the main decoy for the queen is Kiera Knightly. The pirate king herself. ? They've done interviews where they revealed that when in full Queen Amidala makeup their mother's couldn't tell which was which. For reference sake Padme is 14 and Anakin is 9, so 5 years apart.

    If I remember the lore right Qui Gon was extremely worried for Anakin and needed to make sure Obi-Wan agreed to help him, so he couldn't just give himself over to the force in peace. I could be wrong, it's been awhile since I read any of the books. ?

    Yeeeeah, the council is it's own worse enemy. For supposedly being the wisest of their order they are very snooty, short-sited, and aggressive with a 9 year old that until 3 days ago was a slave with nothing BUT his mother, and is now on a wildly different planet surrounded by stragers that are very obviously judging him in a demeaning fashion. There's more to this obviously, but I don't want to accidentally drop spoilers. Just saying their diplomacy... needs work. Even with us having the foresight of Vader, they don't and at that point he wasn't set in stone.

    Soooo happy you love pod racing! It's one of the coolest scenes for me in this movie. Since you like it so much I feel like you would like the movie Speed Racer. If regular racing was like what it is in that movie I would be a season ticket holder, shit is wild! It's also just a fun, turn the brain off entertaining movie.

  55. bbenzo.
    10 months

    I’ve always been a huge fan of the Prequels, but that might have more to do with the fact that I grew up while they were releasing lol

  56. bbenzo.
    10 months

    The Sequels have a lot of behind the scenes drama that led to it’s contention, having the director switched each movie, leaving them feeling very disjointed. 

    Also racism, originally a black male was supposed to be the main protagonist(John Boyega has gone on record saying this was the original contract he had signed), but because of the Chinese Market(being so serious rn) having a certain reaction to his character, he was downgraded to supporting cast in subsequent movies. This led Boyega to become extremely vocal about the situation after his contract expired, stating that he’d never work with Disney again. 

    This hurt young me especially because having a black protagonist within a Star Wars movie was everything to me, then it just got ripped away because of fucking bigotry.

  57. devontetheenigma
    10 months

    I would recommend playing Lego Star Wars the completed Saga after finishing the prequels 

  58. patelasaur
    10 months

    I watched the 25th Anniversary re-release last week in theaters and it was my first time seeing it on the big screen. It was a great experience and I went at an early time so it was literally only my dad and I there. You bet I'm watching it again to see the reactions lol

  59. Gabriel
    10 months

    Havent finished the reaction yet but I wanted to say you guys should play the Star Wars Podracer game

  60. NickLay
    10 months

    I like the originals but the prequels for me is definetly more entertaining

  61. bstriker482
    10 months

    I was so excited while watching this reaction until I realized I have to deal with Jar Jar Binks all over again

  62. Gabriel
    10 months

    Lets Go! The Prequels!

  63. matthew
    10 months

    Messa ready

  64. William
    10 months

    Just a misconception about Jake Lloyd. (Anakin's actor)

    People think he suffered from schizophrenia from the bullying.

    I looked it up, unfortunately the mental health issues stem from his family's side.

    So unfortunately he was always going to be dealing with stuff like that. Fortunately from what I read recently this past year, his mom gave an update and says he's doing much much better now and he really loves the Star Wars movies.

    Even prequels. He's kucb

    She tried to steer him away when he was younger from all the negativity people were throwing at him.

    2 replies
    1. Vlad3163
      10 months

      Also, he was in a few other acting projects, the next biggest being Jingle All The Way with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    2. William
      10 months

      *He really loves the Star Wars movies and shows. He's much happier now.

      This is the article. It's lengthy and goes into heavy details about what's he's been through but the takeaway is he's doing much better and enjoying life.

  65. idziman
    10 months

    Oh yeah, this is where the fun begins

  66. William
    10 months

    Once the prequels are done please be sure to watch the 2008 Clone Wars series and sequel series: Star Wars Rebels 

    For the Clone Wars show be sure to look up on just search

    "Star wars Clone Wars chronological order"

    The list is all there so just follow it. Trust us, it works so much better this way and is the preferred way all new fans watch it.

    Rebels is in order on it's own so just follow the order on Disney+ just fine.

  67. sam16621
    10 months

    Once the prequel trilogy is complete, PLEASE watch the Clone Wars and Rebels before moving on to the live action shows. Believe me, these animated shows will be useful and entertaining for your journey!

    1 replies
    1. David
      10 months

      Visions was also one of the most interesting projects, same with the original Tartakovsky clone wars. I don't really care that its not considered canon.

  68. nick
    10 months

    SW1 and the other prequels all get shit a on a bit but...

    Podracing is fucking cool and fun don't @ me

    and Duel of the Fates SLAPS

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