Kung Fu Panda 4 Reaction

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  1. thetank096
    2 months

    the Croods is a good movie 

  2. MephilesNumberOneFan
    5 months

    I like this movie about as much as 2, but not as much as 3.

  3. Christine
    7 months

    so might not be up to date or this might be mean but no more hman?

  4. CJ
    7 months

    I personally think this movie is fine but could have been better. They always planned on making six movies and so this was not necessarily a cash grab. However, it does feel like it was made by committee and as a product rather than someone who had vison for how to continue the story, and when you read about the productions issues this had and the ideas they were going to do, you can see how that is the case .

    Also, people's dislike comes from: the five not being there, the villain could have had a better motive or backstory, the past villains like Shen and Kai bowing to Po at the end felt a little out of character (especially since they couldn't give them lines), and having more emphasis on the silly comedy and getting away from the dark or dramatic storytelling that made first two film work so well .

    Again I think this film is decent with plenty of fun moments, creative visuals and fight scenes, and all the jokes for the most part work, but it clearly had the potential to be even better than that with it's story. So I hope the 5th one turns it around .

  5. Svea
    9 months

    please watch Croods its my favorite

  6. Pip
    10 months

    Something I couldn't help but notice in this movie was how much Po held back. Like Goku levels of holding back. He could have easily floored Tia Lung in their first encounter, but he was clearly much more focused on protecting the artifacts and didn't seriously want to hurt her. That's why Tia Lung made the comment after their fight about him not seeming like a master. She had the expectations of a Master being merciless and ruthless. She quite literally mistook Po's kindness for weakness. It was same when Po was fighting the Emperess. He clearly could have beaten her at any point. She was throwing styles against Po that he had already beaten and was easily able to defend against all of Emperess' attacks. Literally he was calling out all of her attacks with more amusement than fear. He even admits having held back in order to give Tia a chance at it.

    I just thought that was an interesting characterization of Po, and interesting at how powerful he probably actually is if he didn't really take this whole thing that seriously.

    1 replies
    1. ChaosDragon
      9 months

      Why are you referring to Zhen as "Tia Lung"

  7. Logan
    10 months

    The negativity was due to the potential of the film that was cut, when the film's driven plot was about rescuing Shifu, where it would have time with Shifu and Tia Lung making amends. The film would have drawn parallels with Po taking in someone to become a kung fu master like Shifu did with Tia Lung, where Shifu warns Po not to make the same mistakes he did. By the end, both Po and Shifu would have resolved their problems by learning from each other

  8. VeaBe
    10 months

    El derado is an amazing dreamworks movie

  9. KingOfRedLions89
    10 months

    You guys should watch Raya and the Last Dragon

  10. frank
    10 months

    Actually, the only one who returned was Seth Rogen for that one scream lol

  11. Petrichor12
    10 months

    It helps watching things with you guys since you always have an upbeat and positive energy! :D

    That said, I would be down to watch reactions to the 2D animated DW movies: Prince of Egypt, Sinbad, Road to El Dorado, and Spirit. (I never saw Joseph, so IDK if that one is a good rec or not?)

    1 replies
    1. Petrichor12
      10 months

      And Rise of the Guardians around the holidays for sure!

  12. Xandred_Bass
    10 months

    My top 3 Dreamworks movies

    1. Prince of Egypt

    2. How to Train Your Dragon 2

    3. Puss in Boots: The Last Wish

  13. Residentfan 1
    10 months

    The bunny kids in the city underbelly give me South Park Woodland Creature vibes.

  14. Halcyon Days
    10 months

    Some Dreamworks movies you guys will have a blast watching:1. The Prince of Egypt (objectively their magnum opus)

    2. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (subjectively their magnum opus 'cause it's my fav lol)

    3. Madagascar (trilogy)

    4. Rise of the Guardians

    5. Turbo

    6. Antz

    7. Flushed Away

    These are just the ones I like from their roster that I believe you haven't seen yet. Put them on the list, Billy!

    1 replies
    1. L
      10 months

      I love flushed away omfg I haven’t seen it in so long too

  15. bans4ee
    10 months

    Yes yes you do.

  16. endymion619_96433
    10 months

    You should react to the Pacific Rim movies or the Terminator Novies

  17. Jessica
    10 months

    Please react to blue eyed samurai on netflix

  18. Jazz
    10 months

    My favorite dreamworks movies that you haven’t reacted yet is Prince of Egypt, The Road to El Dorado, and Sinbad by dreamworks. I’d positively LOVE if you guys reacted to these! They’re amazing!!! ?

    Thank you for your hard work, y’all are awesome ?

  19. emperorbelos
    10 months

    I don’t know who said Kung fu panda 4 wasn’t planned. 6 movies were planned

    1 replies
    1. A.M
      10 months

      Definitely would love the cars films

  20. Y0GE
    10 months

    It's not bad but something I noticed was the movie has little to no downtime it's talking to action to talking to action with no time to stop with no speaking like for example in the second movie when po is learning about his past or the first movie where he is learning Kung Fu. It feels rushed.

  21. Internet Zing
    10 months

    Please react to all DreamWorks movies! Including the first Puss in Boots movie. I’m pretty sure a lot of Billies would watch your reaction on it. 

  22. matthew
    10 months

    I agree with you guys i watched the film thinking it was going to be the worse film ever

    But its better then the 3rd one imo

  23. Ben
    10 months

    Really great movie. The reaction was awesome. I had a great time. Kind of curious why the chameleon stated that one of the reasons she ended up becoming the way she was, was because she was turned down at all the Kung Fu schools because she was too small. Yet, there's a Praying Mantis that is one of the Masters, and a squirrel too.

    1 replies
    1. thepugprotector
      10 months

      Maybe the region she was from wasn't as forward thinking? That happens sometimes.

  24. maskedmagician
    10 months

    I'd watch the first puss in boots lol

  25. Gabriel
    10 months

    If you guys watched the first Puss in Boots movie, id watch the video but its up to you guys. the second was way better than the first

  26. Raptor
    10 months

    Setting aside the pros and cons of Kung Fu Panda 4 specifically, I think that people were going into this movie expecting to be disappointed because like Toy Story 4, it’s the continuation of a series that had a satisfying conclusion. Expanding on a franchise that reached the end of its most important story arc isn’t innately a bad thing. It’d just be far more interesting if they came at it at a different angle like how The Last Airbender became Legend of Korra instead of Last Airbender 2. When studios give us the illusion of closure only to pick it back up and go, it gets old. It’s kinda like when Forest Gump is on the football team, he runs, scores a touch down, then keeps going until he just leaves the field entirely. A 4th installment of Kung Fu Panda should’ve been about more than just Po’s journey. I’d watch the hell out of a Furious Five movie.

  27. LaLa
    10 months

    Wow. I literally just watched the other three on here last night. It was the first time I actually watched them all the way through. Total blast to watch with you guys. ?

    Favorite DreamWorks movie you guys haven't watched is Road to El Dorado. You guys would LOVE it. You would likely also like Sinbad by DreamWorks.

    1 replies
    1. LaLa
      10 months

      Edit after watching:

      I don't get the Awkwafina hate personally. I have enjoyed her in everything I've seen her in. Boom, I think you were thinking of 'Raya and the Last Dragon' that she starred in perhaps? I personally liked the movie, but I know others had their problems with it. ?‍♀️

      Anyhoo, LOVED watching this with you guys. I agree with you all, it was super fun.

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