Danny Phantom S2 Episode 10-11 Reaction

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  1. Yeeeees the Ghost Writer! I always loved him, and I can’t really blame him for being pissed off  Someone destroyed a novel I spent years in I would also cause world altering chaos in my rage XD

  2. I find it funny how they had Spectra in two different forms at the same time in the Christmas episode. You see her in her shadow form grab a tree and then Spectra in her new form from the earlier Season 2 episode grab another one. They just jumped back and forth between the two forms 😆

    1. Yeah, the “ghost crowd” scenes were always a continuity nightmare. My personal favorite is in the prison episode where Technus shows up in a human-sized version of his giant mech suit.

  3. Buffy reactions would be dope and probably bring in a lot of new folks too. The Buffy fandom is still really active and dedicated like twenty years later. Of course the caveat is that it’s 144 episodes (and 254 if you bring in Angel.) Still, even collectively it’s not as big an endeavor as, say, Supernatural.

  4. For the Fenton Thermos situation, I believe they confirm in an earlier episode that there is more than one thermos and when they get caught in the thermos, unless specifically stated, you can assume Danny shoots them back into the Gjost Zone. (Like catch & release when fishing)

  5. Danny is 100% justified in hating Christmas. Imagine the very first one you ever have as a baby a dog just pisses on you and then every year after your parents have this argument again and again ruining everything. I’d lash out too

  6. With this show I feel like all the stories start and end with the episode or special, the continuation is more in the feelings, knowledge, and locations of people and items. But episodes are always strangely, but nicely, self contained I think

  7. A show that has a similar vibe to this is randy Cunningham 9th grade ninja. Its a Disney show from a little while back. It’s a but goofier but it has movie sonic as the main character. 

  8. So I’m in a similar boat where I don’t like Christmas either, but for me it’s more so because my birthday is December 22nd. You can guess what people are rather doing 2 days before christmas instead of a birthday 

  9. This holiday special does things others don’t do
    And since most of it rhymed, then this comment will too.

    To start this all off I thought it was huge
    That they decided to make their protagonist Scrooge

    While a haunting makes more sense in this show than most
    It’s not as effective when Scrooge is half ghost

    It’s cool that he keeps the wail this and next season
    And was not just a one-off for plot armor reasons

    A truce between villains was sure unexpected
    But when they help Danny out you gotta respect it

    The soundtrack for this for sure deserves praise
    Whoever helped remix these songs needs a raise

    Despite most cartoons, this one resisted
    The trope they confirm “Santa really existed”.

    While it isn’t December, for you people out there
    Merry Christmas to all and to all a *BEWARE*!!!

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