The Lego Movie REACTION

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  1. ndnprct3
    11 months

    I haven't seen the sequel or the Ninjago movie so I can't speak for or against those, but The Lego Batman Movie is 100% worth checking out. Fucking phenomenal movie.

  2. iKirbeeburgr
    11 months

    you should watch the other 3. I'd say The LEGO Batman Movie is next, then The LEGO Movie 2, then The LEGO Ninjago Movie

  3. Susan
    1 year

    My personal rankings are Lego Batman #1, the Lego Movie in a close second place and then the Lego Movie 2 in third.

    I love them all though! The Lego Batman movie is hilarious from start to finish and is visually stunning even when compared to the first Lego Movie. They really hit their stride with the animation in that one. And then Lego Movie 2 just wasn't quite as "groundbreaking" as the first, but I would still call it a very fun flick. It has more songs and they are all bangers imo.

    So I super reccomend watching the other two movies

  4. Pip
    1 year

    Lego Batman and Lego Movie 2 are perfectly fine, and worth a watch. They just weren't ground breakers, or surprise hits like the first one. You're basically just getting more of the Lego Movie, so it doesn't feel quite as new as watching the first one for the first time.

  5. William
    1 year

    I enjoyed LEGO Movie 2; not as good, but still good.

    LEGO Batman is a hoot.

  6. melokat
    1 year

    Honestly, the Lego movies are all good imo. The thing that hurt the franchise the most was the fact that everything that came after HAD to live up to the massive success of the first movie. From what I recall, the Lego Batman movie was just as widely beloved as the Lego Movie since it was just more of THIS movie's version of Batman. The second Lego Movie was good but I can't recall there being much in the way of marketing. And of course it had to somehow follow up a masterpiece, which itself is an uphill battle. The Lego Ninjago movie is the one I remember most people disliking but the only reason I ever saw people have for disliking it was the fact that it wasn't an adaptation of the Ninjago cartoon and was instead it's own story. Just with characters and some very very loosely translated concepts from the original show. As a movie in the Lego Movie universe, I personally thought it was pretty good. But the thing that held it back was the fact that it was calling itself a Ninjago movie despite having next to nothing to do with the show.

  7. Echo
    1 year

    I’m an outlier that likes the Lego Ninjago movie a lot; like the series is fun bc of its potential, but it’s rough and awkward in some places and fucking fantastic in others. But the movie? It’s like a modern highschool au version with the choreography down by fucking Jackie Chan himself! It’s fun and cute and a really good spinoff that doesn’t get enough love. The Batman movie is great, but it also pulled a lot of pages from Holy Musical B@man, which came out around 5 yrs previously and is crazy fun (and only aged a little poorly) I’d definitely suggest watching all of them, cuz they all do different unique things with the medium and the characters

  8. Stepho
    1 year

    Y’all should definitely watch all Lego movies!! They are so good and hella funny!

  9. Jasmine
    1 year

    Watch Lego Batman first!

  10. Luke
    1 year

    Definitely watch the Lego batman movie if you liked this, my personal favourite out of all the logo films

    1 replies
    1. Susan
      1 year


  11. beybladeshinobi
    1 year

    You should react to the Lego Batman movie

  12. levi_b00
    1 year

    You should react to the Rango movie it's one of my favorite animated movie

  13. Amali
    1 year

    Lego Batman is legendary.

  14. Dasan
    1 year

    Love all the movies you guys have been watching but I feel like a movie you all would have fun with would be the original digimon movie!

  15. Anza
    1 year

    Lego Batman is like a spinoff/sequel sorta thing. like movie 1.5 in the series, it does have some references to the Lego Movie and takes place between 1 and 2, so definitely do Lego Batman next, then Lego Movie part 2. I love the whole set so, hoping you guys watch the rest of them

  16. couchgoober
    1 year

    You guys gotta watch the Lego Batman movie if you liked this. It’s 2x as funny.

  17. Jose
    1 year

    might need you guys to watch ninjago now thanks

  18. It’s
    1 year

    Lego movie 2 is made with different directors and not very good. But lego batman is on the same level as this movie. Highly recommend

  19. Gold475
    1 year

    honestly all the lego movies are fun 

  20. MegumiMary
    1 year

    "They just wanted to see the titanic"

    damn that was a dark joke! lol

    "Lincoln should build a shield on the back of his chair"


  21. Annelies
    1 year

    Lego Batman is really cool as well! I think you'd love it.

  22. lightning63
    1 year

    Never watched Lego Movie 2, but Lego Batman is great.

  23. Lowe
    1 year

    Ngl this got me through my tattoo sesh lol just binge watching you guys is amazing

  24. Hailey
    1 year

    Please react to Lego Ninjago soon! Not the movie though because I think you need to know the series a bit to understand the movie. Might be just my view of it though since it came after a majority of the show.

  25. Cube
    1 year

    Since you liked this ninjago reactions would be great. As for movie reccommendations the movie I'd most want to see you guys react to is RRR, it's a very long movie but every single second of it is amazing.

  26. KingJulian
    1 year

    Forgot how much I love the Lego movie, also, I know no one else will probably recommend this one but it would be a true delight to see y’all react to Guardians of Ga'Hoole (or the long winded official movie title legend of the gaurdians, owls of ga’hoole) a strange rec but god for a movie that came out in 2010 it still has some of the most beautiful animation, definitely the best animated movie about owls there is lol and super intense too. Anybody else remember this movie? Please tell me I’m not the only one lol.

    1 replies
    1. Hailey
      1 year

      Omg yes please react to Guardians of Ga’Hoole Sorta Stupid! Its such a hidden gem of early 2000’s animated movies!

  27. emperorbelos
    1 year

    I still recommend kingsman but I’d also wouldn’t mind Lego movie pt2 I enjoyed it

  28. Nathan
    1 year

    Please watch lego batman! I genuinely think that one is even better than this one

  29. George
    1 year

    Part 2 came out after Lego Batman and while its doesn't hit the highs of the first 2, its still very funny and worth watching.

  30. Narutoanime16
    1 year

    One of my favorite movies and Lego batman is even better!

  31. Christopher
    1 year

    Please do the Lego Batman Movie!!!!!

  32. Alexander
    1 year

    When are you watching Toy Story 3

  33. Jacob
    1 year

    So, since y'all have watched the Lego movie, I would suggest looking into the other LEGO movies, but also the tv shows of Lego Monke Kid and Lego Ninjago. Monke Kid has some amazing animation and a familiar voice cast. Thank you for the reaction.

  34. Jabriel
    1 year

    In my opinion the Lego movie was enjoyable but it just didn’t hit the same because it wasn’t a new concept anymore like it was in Lego movie 1 and it just wasn’t that funny. But it’s still worth a watch, I’d suggest you watch Lego Batman first tho

  35. Kayla
    1 year

    Definitely recommend The Lego Batman movie + Lego Movie 2!

  36. Brandon
    1 year

    you gotta watch Lego Batman, the rest I could take or leave but Lego Batman is fucking incredible.

  37. Piña
    1 year

    The Lego Batman movie is actually so good, you guys should totally watch that

  38. hurryupmode
    1 year

    Duplo is a Lego series designed for children from 2 to 5 years old. Duplo bricks are twice the size of traditional Lego bricks, making them easier to handle and less likely to be swallowed by younger children. Despite their size, they are still compatible with traditional Lego bricks.

  39. Ringo
    1 year

    You guys should watch Lego Batman it's also a very good movie.

  40. sombra_hacker09
    1 year


  41. RoBroCrafts
    1 year

    Please watch the LEGO Batman Movie!

  42. superrj_
    1 year

    NInjago reactions need to happen

  43. crowstheomega
    1 year

    i recommend Peabody & Sherman

  44. hurryupmode
    1 year

    "YES! FUCK YOU TOO!"Y'all should watch Trading Places and then watch Coming To America!

  45. Joshua
    1 year

    I honestly like the 2nd one not gonna lie.

  46. Vilmu
    1 year

    Would love to see Lego Batman reaction!

  47. Afro-M
    1 year

    i do recommend the Lego batman movie  

  48. Radar
    1 year

    I'd love for you to watch the Lego batman movie or the Lego Ninjago TV series. That TV series was my childhood

  49. Jared
    1 year

    I think you guys should watch the 2nd movie as well as the LEGO Batman & Ninjago movies. Some may have gotten low reviews but I still think they're worth the watch

  50. Anait
    1 year

    oh hell yes. please do lego batman next

  51. riceking997
    1 year

    Would love to see a reaction to the invader zim movie

  52. Fridayfriends
    1 year

    trolls trilogy please

  53. iron pirate
    1 year

    please react to the kingsmen trilogy 

  54. Dylan
    1 year

    Highly recommend "book of life" its super good but gets compared to coco a lot even though it came out way before

  55. Jami
    1 year

    I really need them to watch hunchback of notre dame

  56. Andrew
    1 year

    I hope you watch the rest, Lego Batman that’s probably one of my favorite movies in the whole Lego series

  57. Andrew
    1 year

    The fact that boom looked something up and immediately spoiled a major plot point in the movie made me laugh so hard

  58. Kayden
    1 year

    Thank you guys for the reaction to this movie, this came out when I was in the last year of middle school. 

  59. sheilo_lyvt
    1 year

    Oh wow! I was just thinking you guys should react to this!

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