It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Episode 3-4 Reaction

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  1. Whispie
    3 months

    I think this was well handled for the time. I can't speak for all transgender people, but I'm not mad at it. Sunny does an incredible job of getting away with dark humor in general. It's well understood that they're all just horrible people and nobody should behave like they do.

  2. Russian
    1 year

    totally disagree that season 1 is the worst. it;s rough around the edges, low budget still, but the comedic writing is so good, and their acting and how natural the show feels is actually way better than recent seasons. everything through season 9 is gold, 10-12 still great but some blemishes, 13+ is pretty shitty. not sure if you've seen the later seasons yet but if you do and then go back, makes you appreciate it even more

  3. Cass
    1 year

    Gotta say this isn;t something I'd watch on my own, but it's really nice with you fine folks taking the edge off a little.

  4. Ben
    1 year

    I'm really enjoying the reactions, Always Sunny was my brother's favorite show. I didn't know Danny Devito wasn't in it right away. My favorite episode was when they get the Paddywagon. Danny is the best, I recently saw an old sitcom about cab drivers , and Danny played the cab guy in the office. Almost didn't recognize him. ?

  5. Crow
    1 year

    Honestly, I love Mac

  6. Harry
    1 year

    Be aware ahead of time of the numerous banned episodes. Also, I might as well warn you guys ahead of time that people tend to tell reactors not to look at the title on the streaming platform, but to look at it during the intro credits since it acts as a punchline to the cold open.

  7. DeadHubris
    1 year

    GODBLESS THIS TIER BRO ?? Just a heads up (I’m sure y’all have heard this already) I recommend avoiding reading the title of the episode because it plays a part in some really funny punchlines for future episodes.

    1 replies
    1. _Owwls_
      1 year

      I wanted to know how this show was created and Google shows me this

      "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia grew out of an idea for a short film conceived late one night by McElhenney "where a friend came over to another friend's house to get sugar, and the friend tells him he has cancer, and all the guy can think about is getting his sugar and getting out of there".

  8. Brandon
    1 year

    I think they switched the episode numbers lol

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