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6 months
Here it is: "Let's Get Dangerous" was 100% a backdoor pilot for a Darkwing Duck spinoff of DT 2017 AND a reboot of the original Darkwing Duck show. The plan was to do DT 2017 S4 AND the new Darkwing show. Disney passed on DW and canceled Ducktales.Disney did not give the crew a good reason why they did this; I've heard that the fourth season of Star VS The Forces of Evil was expensive and didn't do well, so Disney is afraid of fourth seasons now. But Disney didn't give the crew a good answer either way.Disney did, however, give the DW rights to Point Grey in Vancouver to reboot the original show. Nothing came of it, and the show was quietly killed
1 year
coolest thing about this ep is that drake mallard is the name of the OG darkwing duck in the show which makes this the origin story for their real life darkwing duck and the show actor turns into the evil doubleganger of darkwing duck!
Here it is: "Let's Get Dangerous" was 100% a backdoor pilot for a Darkwing Duck spinoff of DT 2017 AND a reboot of the original Darkwing Duck show. The plan was to do DT 2017 S4 AND the new Darkwing show. Disney passed on DW and canceled Ducktales.Disney did not give the crew a good reason why they did this; I've heard that the fourth season of Star VS The Forces of Evil was expensive and didn't do well, so Disney is afraid of fourth seasons now. But Disney didn't give the crew a good answer either way.Disney did, however, give the DW rights to Point Grey in Vancouver to reboot the original show. Nothing came of it, and the show was quietly killed
coolest thing about this ep is that drake mallard is the name of the OG darkwing duck in the show which makes this the origin story for their real life darkwing duck and the show actor turns into the evil doubleganger of darkwing duck!